Falun Dafa in the Media
March 14, 2025South Korea: Documentary "Letter From Masanjia" Touches Audience
Feb. 5, 2025Finland: Media Covers Attacks on Falun Gong Practitioners
Nov. 23, 2024U.S. Media Reports on CCP Agents Sentenced to Prison Terms
Nov. 17, 2024Delaware, U.S.A.: Public Screening of the Documentary State Organs, Unmasks Transplant Abuse in China
Sept. 1, 2024WDEL Radio: Exposing 25 Years of Persecution of Falun Gong, and Organ Harvesting Crimes
Aug. 25, 2024Chinese American Pleads Guilty to Acting as a Chinese Communist Party Agent
Aug. 22, 2024Media Outlets Report on How the CCP Forcibly Harvested Organs from Falun Gong Practitioner Cheng Peiming (Part 2)
Aug. 17, 2024India: Media Outlets Report on Symposium, March, and Candlelight Vigil Exposing the Persecution in China
Aug. 15, 2024International Media Reports on Falun Gong Practitioner Cheng Peiming’s Organs Removed Without Consent by the CCP
May 9, 2024Bulgarian Media Exclusive Interview: Doctor Discusses the CCP’s Crime of Forced Organ Harvesting
Jan. 22, 2024“Bitter Winter” Reports on Annual Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 5, 2023Bulgaria: Media Covers Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Protest of the Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution
Aug. 5, 2023South Korea: Two Media Outlets Publish Special Reports about Falun Dafa
July 26, 2023European Times Publishes Article “Sanction Persecutors of Falun Gong”
May 30, 2023National Review: The 610 Office Suppresses Falun Gong Through Overseas Agents
Dec. 1, 2022China: Members of the Public Celebrate Death of Dictator Jiang Zemin
Oct. 12, 2022iPhone App with Alarms for Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Available in App Store
Sept. 17, 2022Poland: News Media Report on Falun Gong Marches in Warsaw
July 14, 2022France: Think Tank Article Calls for End of Organ Harvesting Atrocities in China
July 3, 2022Organ Harvesting Forum in Brussels Press Club: The CCP Are “Serial Killers on a Massive Scale”
June 4, 2022US Department of State: Annual Report on Religious Freedom Highlights Persecution of Falun Gong in China
May 9, 2022Falun Gong Practitioners Interviewed by a TV Station in Guadeloupe
April 8, 2022American Journal of Transplantation: Forced Organ Harvesting in China
Dec. 30, 2021Mexico: Major Public Television Station Showcases Falun Dafa During a Christmas Special
Nov. 26, 2021Taiwan: Falun Gong Human Rights Group Submits List of Key Perpetrators, Calls for Barring Entry
Nov. 24, 2021Finland: Popular Magazine Reports on Falun Dafa in Kannelmäki
Oct. 18, 2021Recent Frequent Natural Disasters in China
July 12, 2021U.S. State Department Expresses Concerns About a Russian Court’s Suppression of Falun Gong
May 16, 2021U.S. State Department’s 2020 Religious Freedom Report Highlights Unabated Persecution of Falun Gong
May 16, 2021U.S. State Department Stands with Falun Dafa Practitioners Against Persecution of Their Faith
March 2, 2021Canada: Parliament Members and Minister of Foreign Affairs Respond to Petition on Human Rights
Feb. 25, 2021Canadian Parliament Passes Motion Saying China Commits Genocide
Feb. 25, 2021Canadian MP: Time To Reflect on Canadians’ Deep Anger Towards CCP’s Flagrant Human Rights Abuses
Dec. 16, 2020Jerusalem Post: 921 Lawmakers Condemn Chinese Communist Party's Persecution of Falun Gong: Media Report
Nov. 2, 2020German Newspaper: Falun Gong Practitioner Thrown in Labor Camp in China, Finds Happiness in Lünen
Oct. 23, 2020Minghui Radio Resumes Broadcasting to China
Oct. 4, 2020Vatican City: U.S. Secretary of State Urges Faith Leaders to Counter the CCP for Religious Freedom
Sept. 10, 2020U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom: Forced Organ Harvesting in China Cannot Be Ignored
Aug. 4, 2020France Culture Radio Channel Reports on the 21-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong
July 21, 2020Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China Issues Statement Condemning 21-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong
July 21, 2020Xinjiang Party Chief Sanctioned by the U.S. Also Involved in the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 16, 2020Former Canadian Minister of Justice: Sun Qian’s Case Was “Criminalization of Innocence”
March 20, 2020Reports Highlight Continued Human Rights Abuse and Lack of Freedom in China
March 19, 2020Latest Report Provides More Evidence of the CCP's Ongoing Atrocities
March 14, 2020Persecution of Falun Gong Mentioned Numerous Times in U.S. State Department’s Annual Human Rights Report
Jan. 16, 2020U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China Releases Annual Report
Nov. 10, 2019Australia: Melbourne Media Reports Falun Dafa Practitioner's Story of Self-Cultivation
Nov. 2, 2019California: Origin Bound Premieres in San Jose to High Praise
Sept. 28, 2019New York: Origin Bound Audience Expresses Admiration for Falun Gong During Film Premiere
Sept. 2, 2019Amsterdam, Netherlands: In-depth Reports on Falun Gong on Major Public TV Station
Aug. 15, 2019Republican National Committee Passes Resolution Against Forced Organ Harvesting in China
Aug. 10, 2019New Journal of Zurich: Falun Gong Practitioners in China Are Persecuted for Their Belief
Aug. 9, 2019Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong over the Past 20 Years
July 19, 2019Falun Gong Practitioner Tells President Trump Her Story of Persecution in China
June 18, 2019Movie “Origin Bound” Premiers in Toronto
May 29, 2019Radio Free Asia Reports North Korean Crackdown on Falun Gong
April 1, 2019Taiwanese Audience Shaken by Documentary "Letter from Masanjia"
March 19, 2019Stockholm Audience Touched by the Documentary “Letter from Masanjia”
Jan. 22, 2019Belgian Magazine Publishes Article on the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Gong
Dec. 10, 2018Canadian MPs Watch “Letter From Masanjia” and Call for Practitioner Sun Qian's Release
Nov. 7, 2018“One of the Most Moving Films I've Ever Seen in My Entire Life”
Nov. 2, 2018“Letter from Masanjia” Brings Tears to Audience at Cambridge Film Festival
Oct. 31, 2018'The Wish' Movie Well Received at Film Festival in Florida
Oct. 29, 2018Audience Moved by "Letter From Masanjia" at United Nations Association Film Festival
Oct. 28, 2018India: Media Report Introduces Falun Dafa to Readers in Nagpur
Oct. 22, 2018India: Newspaper Reports That Young People Are Learning Falun Dafa
Oct. 3, 2018Calgary Film Festival Patrons Shocked by Documentary on Chinese Labor Camp
Sept. 28, 2018“Letter from Masanjia” Moves Viewers at Atlanta Docufest
Sept. 3, 2018Querétaro, Mexico: "Letter from Masanjia" Wins Best International Documentary Award
Aug. 13, 2018Documentary “Letter from Masanjia” Moves Vancouver Audience
July 31, 2018New York: “Letter from Masanjia” Well Received at Asian American Film Festival
June 20, 2018The Hindu: A Meditation that Improves Physical Health and Mind
May 2, 2018Toronto: "Letter from Masanjia" on Chinese Forced Labor Camp Screened at Documentary Film Festival
April 15, 2018German Newspaper Reports on Group Practicing Falun Gong in a Park
Jan. 13, 2018News Report Exposes Chinese Regime Harassment of Falun Gong in Canada
Dec. 13, 2017China Today (1993): The Amazing Healing Effect of Falun Gong
Nov. 9, 2017Falun Dafa on Local Radio Program “Kol HaGalil” in Israel
Aug. 28, 2017Philadelphia Newspaper Publishes Story about Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 17, 2017US Secretary of State Tillerson Raises the Persecution of Falun Gong at Press Conference for International Religious Freedom Report
Aug. 13, 2017Philadelphia: Delaware County Daily Times Publishes Letter to Editor About Organ Harvesting
Aug. 2, 2017French and Swedish News Media Reports on Persecution of Falun Gong
July 2, 2017Fun Times Magazine Reports on Falun Gong in Philadelphia
June 28, 2017The Globe and Mail: Canadian Detained and Tortured in China for Her Belief
June 25, 2017Washington DC: Capitol Hill Forum on Organ Harvesting Calls for End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
June 3, 2017Netherlands TV Interviews Falun Gong Practitioners at Group Exercise Site
May 21, 2017Michigan Newspaper Runs a Letter to the Editor From a Falun Gong Practitioner
May 19, 2017Australian Newspaper: High School Students Learn Falun Dafa Meditation
May 9, 2017Canada’s “The Globe and Mail” Reports on Plight of Citizen Detained in Beijing for Her Faith in Falun Gong
April 30, 2017Organ Transplants in China: Survivors Call on the Trudeau Government in Canada
April 9, 2017Media Focus on Falun Gong Practitioners' Appeal During Trump-Xi Summit in Florida
Feb. 22, 2017Deutsche Welle Website Features a Falun Gong Practitioner
Jan. 22, 2017Banners Praising Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution Seen in Numerous Public Places in China
Jan. 9, 2017Delhi, India: Human Rights Lawyer Seeks Support from Decision Makers and the Media to Fight Forced Organ Harvesting in China
Dec. 31, 2016General Mills Employee Awarded for Her Efforts to Raise Awareness About the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
Oct. 9, 2016CECC Annual Report Raises Numerous Concerns Over Persecution of Falun Gong
Oct. 5, 2016A Scientist Finds a Spiritual Path
Sept. 25, 2016The Independent Singapore: Falun Gong’s Resilience for Survival
Sept. 22, 2016Australian News Website Publishes 3-Part Investigation into Chinese Regime's Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners
Aug. 18, 2016Bavarian Broadcasting: A Meditation that Generates Positive Energy
Aug. 12, 2016U.S. Report on International Religious Freedom for 2015: Persecution of Falun Gong Continues in China