In the persecution of Falun Gong, brainwashing is one of the primary tools used to "transform" practitioners, or, in other words, to force them to renounce their faith in the teachings of Falun Gong.
Because brainwashing directly targets the heart and mind, its effects are often even more devastating to the lives of its victims than physical torture. At the same time, physical torture is widely used to help coerce the recipient to accept the brainwashing.
The techniques are designed to take over the person's mind and replace high-level spiritual principles such as Truth-Compassion-Forbearance with Communist Party doctrines.
When practitioners are deemed suitably brainwashed, their living conditions in captivity are improved, physical torture is reduced or terminated, and their sentences may also be reduced. They may even be set free. For those who persevere in their faith, the torture and brainwashing continue, and practitioners who successfully resist being "transformed" often have their prison or labor camp terms arbitrarily extended.
Feb. 25, 2025Additional Information About the Brainwashing Tactics Used on Falun Gong Practitioners Held at Xinxiang Women’s Prison in Henan Province
Feb. 11, 2025Xinxiang Women’s Prison in Henan Province: Three-Stage Brainwashing Process Targets Falun Gong Practitioners
Jan. 15, 2025How Guards in a Brainwashing Center Attempted to Destroy My Faith
May 27, 2023Exposing the Crimes Committed in Yangquan City Brainwashing Center
April 10, 2022The Mental Exploitation of Falun Gong Practitioners at Shandong Province Women’s Prison
Nov. 23, 2021Wuhan City, Hubei Province: Brainwashing Centers Set Up Targeting Falun Gong Practitioners
Oct. 26, 2021Wuhan Authorities Build New Brainwashing Centers in Bid to Eradicate Falun Gong
Oct. 17, 2021Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province: Falun Gong Practitioners Forced to Attend Brainwashing Sessions
April 3, 2021Authorities in Linfen City, Shanxi Province Hold Brainwashing Classes against Falun Gong Practitioners
March 1, 2021Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Guangdong Province “Legal Education Center”
Feb. 19, 2021Chinese Authorities Holding Brainwashing Sessions for Falun Gong Practitioners
Nov. 28, 2020Zhenbai Li’s Speech at the UK House of Parliament—Brainwashing, Persecution of Belief
Aug. 20, 2020Victim’s Personal Account Sheds Light on Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in a Wuhan Brainwashing Facility
Oct. 13, 2019Ningbo, Zhejiang Province: Five Falun Gong Practitioners Held in Brainwashing Center Prior to Communist Regime's National Day Celebration
March 22, 2019Hubei Province Continues to Hold Falun Gong Practitioners at Brainwashing Centers
Feb. 18, 2019Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Xinjin Brainwashing Center
April 25, 2017Brainwashing Tactics Used at Guangzhou Legal Education Center
June 25, 2016Falun Gong Practitioners Being Sent to Brainwashing Centers
April 14, 2016610 Office in Dehui City Force Falun Gong Practitioners into Brainwashing Sessions
Dec. 19, 2015Abandoned Toll Station Turned into Brainwashing Center for Falun Gong
Nov. 3, 2015Shijiazhuang City Brainwashing Centers Still Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
June 16, 2015Village Official on Women's Committee Paid to Fill Quota for Brainwashing Camp
Feb. 7, 2015I Was Unaffected by Brainwashing Tactics
Dec. 21, 2014Critically Ill Woman Subjected to Brainwashing in Prison
Dec. 13, 2014Ten-Year-Old Among Hundreds Detained in Beijing Brainwashing Centers
Dec. 3, 2014Changchun Brainwashing Center Seeks to "Transform" Falun Gong Practitioners
Nov. 1, 2014Details Revealed: Brainwashing Center Associated with September Arrests of Over 30
Oct. 1, 2014A Minghui Whitepaper - Brainwashing: China's Hidden Industry
Sept. 22, 2014Hebei Woman Sent to Brainwashing Center Again after Nine Years in Prison
Sept. 10, 2014Senior Citizen Beaten in Public, Sent for Brainwashing (Photo)
Aug. 2, 2014Officers from Dismantled Labor Camp Regroup to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
July 16, 2014A Close Look at the Brainwashing Industry in China: Policies, Funding, and Scale
July 1, 2014New Brainwashing Center Set Up in a Middle School
June 22, 2014Black Jail Profile: Hubei Brainwashing Center
June 19, 2014Torture and Killing of Falun Gong Practitioners Continues in Brainwashing Centers in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture
June 15, 2014Crimes Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Dianzi Brainwashing Center
June 11, 2014At Least Six Practitioners from Sanhe City Illegally Detained at the Langfang Brainwashing Center
June 1, 2014Hebei Province: Brainwashing Center Director Yuan Shuqian's Evil Deeds
April 19, 2014Practitioners Tell of Their Ordeals in Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center
April 18, 2014Crimes Committed Inside Dianzi Brainwashing Center (Photos)
March 10, 2014Ms. Liu Rangying Recounts “Stretching” Torture and Other Abuses at Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center
Feb. 25, 2014Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang: 610 Office Brainwashes Good People
Feb. 23, 2014Persecution Continues in Brainwashing Centers in Jiangjin District, Chongqing
Feb. 14, 2014A System Designed to Destroy a Person Mind and Soul – A Case Study – Xinjin Brainwashing Center (Part 3 of 3)
Feb. 13, 2014A System Designed to Destroy a Person's Mind and Soul - A Case Study – Xinjin Brainwashing Center (Part 2 of 3)
Feb. 8, 2014A System Designed to Destroy a Person Mind and Soul - A Case Study – Xinjin Brainwashing Center (Part 1 of 3)
Feb. 4, 2014Insights Into a Brainwashing Center in the Xianning City Forced Labor Camp
Jan. 31, 2014Firsthand Account: Torture and Brainwashing in a Shanghai Prison
Jan. 23, 2014Retired Teacher Ordered to Pay for a Brainwashing Session
Jan. 20, 2014Songhualing Brainwashing Center: Persecution Behind Closed Doors
Jan. 13, 2014Lawyers Publicly Call on Brainwashing Center to Release Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos)
Jan. 12, 2014Crimes Committed in the Huadian City Brainwashing Center
Jan. 6, 2014New Round of Persecution Initiated by the 610 Office in Urumqi City
Nov. 14, 2013The Deceitful Tactics Used in Brainwashing Centers
Nov. 6, 2013Mudanjiang Brainwashing Center Decommissioned
Nov. 4, 2013Five Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Shahezi Brainwashing Center
Oct. 16, 2013610 Offices Systematically Brainwash Falun Gong Practitioners
Oct. 8, 2013Atrocities Committed in the Chinese Communist Regime's Brainwashing Facilities
Oct. 5, 2013Ms. Zhang Yisu Being Held at a Brainwashing Center
Sept. 30, 2013Weifang City Officials Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners to Extort Money from Them (Photos)
Sept. 15, 2013Details about Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center
Aug. 30, 2013The Mental Persecution I Suffered at the Beijing Huyu Brainwashing Center
March 14, 2013The Maoming City 610 Office Brainwashing Center
March 10, 2013Psychological Counseling - The Chinese Communist Party’s Insidious Brainwashing Tactic
Feb. 17, 2013Crimes Committed in Zhucheng Brainwashing Center in Weifang City, Shandong Province
Dec. 25, 2012Remote Resort Turned into a Brainwashing Center (Photos)
Oct. 26, 2012Crimes Committed at the Hubei Province “Law Education Center”
Sept. 23, 2012The “Transformation Group” and Brainwashing Center at Hunan Women's Prison
June 22, 2012Falun Gong Practitioners Subjected to Brainwashing in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison Before Being Released
June 16, 2012New Brainwashing Center Established by Political and Legal Affairs Committee in Xianning City
May 31, 2012The Shenzhen City Brainwashing Center Remains Active in the Persecution of Falun Gong
April 8, 2012Crimes of Brainwashing Committed at Meizhou Prison in Guangdong Province
March 26, 2012Officials from Dandong and Donggang 610 Office Held Brainwashing Sessions to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
March 8, 2012The “Advocation Science School” in Suining City, Sichuan Province Is Actually a Brainwashing Center
Nov. 13, 2010Mr. Liu Yuanbo from Chenxi County, Hunan Province, Taken to the Huaihua Brainwashing Center Again
Nov. 10, 2010Mr. Li Hongyu from the Bijie Area in Guizhou Province Held in a Brainwashing Facility
Nov. 5, 2010A Staged "Informal Meeting" Takes Place at Longkou City Brainwashing Center in Shandong Province, in an Effort to Slander Falun Gong (Photos)
Nov. 2, 2010Sichuan Brainwashing Camp Using Noise to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
Oct. 23, 2010Falun Gong Practitioners Force-fed Nerve-Damaging Drugs at Huaihua Brainwashing Center
Oct. 18, 2010Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Sifeng Taken to Brainwashing Center Again
Oct. 17, 2010Euphemistically Referred to as the "House of Love" by Corrupt Authorities, Nanjing Brainwashing Center Continues to Cause Much Harm
Aug. 31, 2009Zhuang Zepeng from Shantou City Sent to Brainwashing Center After Completing Eight-Year Prison Term
Aug. 22, 2009Guangzhou Practitioner Huang Feng Detained in Brainwashing Center in Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
July 3, 2009Li Guochen Taken to Brainwashing Facility the Day of His Release from Labor Camp
Feb. 24, 2005Uncovering Criminals in China's Radio and TV Broadcasting Network
Nov. 1, 2004Epoch Times: Report Details Degree of Brainwashing in China (Photo)
April 8, 2002Successful Rescue of Zhao Ming from a Labour Camp in China
April 5, 2002The Radiance of an Enlightened Being -- The Story of Zhao Ming