Good is Rewarded
March 10, 2025Kindness Brings Blessings but Bad Deeds Lead to Disaster
Jan. 25, 2025My Elderly Father Escaped a Potentially Fatal Accident
April 11, 2024The Key to a Happy Family
Oct. 2, 2023Woman in Her 80s Recovers from Severe COVID-19 Infection After Reading Falun Dafa Teaching
Sept. 2, 2023Recovering from a Stroke in Three Days
Aug. 6, 2023Five Siblings Benefit from Falun Dafa
Aug. 3, 2023Blessed for Standing Up for Falun Gong
July 30, 2023My Brother Was Blessed After He Changed His Notions About Falun Dafa
July 17, 2023Physical Conditions Disappear After Writing Solemn Statements Regretting Disrespectful Remarks
July 6, 2023My Husband’s Health Restored After Repenting His Disrespect for Dafa
June 27, 2023Construction Worker Survives Being Struck by a Six-Meter-Long Metal Pole
June 17, 2023Dying Patient Given a Second Life After Quitting the Chinese Communist Party
June 7, 2023An Elderly Man’s Compelling Dream
March 27, 2023Eight Octogenarians Safe and Sound Amid the Severe Pandemic
Feb. 20, 2023Manager Recovers from Facial Paralysis after Protecting a Falun Dafa Practitioner
Jan. 2, 2023My Daughter Was the Only One in Her Hospital Who Did Not Get Infected
Dec. 17, 2022Repentance with Concrete Actions: Story of a Police Station Director
Nov. 19, 2022My Father Discharged from Intensive Care Unit in One Day
Oct. 25, 2022Kind People Receive Blessings from Falun Dafa
Sept. 19, 2022Master Saved My Husband’s Life Twice
Sept. 1, 2022Throat Cancer Gone After Refusing to Provide False Testimony against Falun Gong
Aug. 16, 2022Ancient Wisdom: Officials Rewarded with Blessings After Doing Good Deeds
July 2, 2022My Dying Nephew with Kidney Failure Recovered Overnight
June 17, 2022A Mother Heeds Advice to Recite “Falun Dafa Is Good” and Her Newborn’s Blood Disorder Goes Away
May 9, 2022Shouting on a Mountain “Falun Dafa Is Good!”: Two Cancer Patients’ Remarkable Recoveries
May 8, 2022Different Attitudes toward Falun Dafa, Different Outcomes
April 23, 2022A Fortunate Outcome During the Pandemic
April 14, 2022My Family Is Very Grateful for Falun Dafa
April 12, 2022Neighbor’s Cancer Cured after Quitting the Chinese Communist Party
March 29, 2022Blessed with Positive Life Change for Supporting Falun Dafa
March 20, 2022Bedridden Stroke Patient Completely Healed by Reciting “Falun Dafa Is Good”
March 18, 2022Consequences of Persecuting the Innocent and Benefits of Supporting the Upright
March 14, 2022Exposed to Dafa, a Drugstore Owner Changes
Jan. 26, 2022My Husband Miraculously Survived a Major Car Accident
Jan. 22, 2022My Brother-in-Law’s High Fever Goes Away After Reading to Him from Zhuan Falun
Jan. 19, 2022Doctor Surprised to See My 92-year-old Mother Still Alive 10 Years after Nearly Dying of Cancer
Jan. 10, 2022Taiwan: Elementary Students Express Gratitude for Falun Dafa’s Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
Dec. 7, 2021Three Short Stories of People Benefiting From Believing in Dafa, Bringing Hope and Beauty
Nov. 18, 2021Falun Dafa Supporters Protected by the Divine
Oct. 27, 2021The Secret Power of the Necklace
Oct. 27, 2021My Three-year-old Daughter Knows That Master Li Saved Her Life
Sept. 14, 2021Accepting the Facts About Dafa and Benefiting
Aug. 9, 2021My Husband Takes My Advice to Believe in Falun Dafa and Stays Safe During the Pandemic
June 18, 2021Rewarded with Blessings
June 12, 2021My Extended Family in Wuhan Thanks Falun Dafa for Saving Them from Coronavirus Infection
April 19, 2021Hit in the Head by a 190-Pound Box, He Said, “I'm Okay!”
March 10, 2021Believing in “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Helped Me to Survive a COVID-19 Infection
March 2, 2021Blessed for Severing Ties with the Chinese Communist Party and Supporting Falun Dafa
Feb. 20, 2021Newlyweds: Falun Gong Brought Us Safety in the Pandemic
Feb. 15, 2021When All Hope Was Lost, Falun Dafa Turned Things Around
Jan. 31, 2021Indonesia: My Friend Fully Recovered from the CCP Virus After Reciting Two Special Phrases
Jan. 29, 2021Dafa Brings Protection, Peace, and Prosperity
Jan. 26, 2021Young Man Thanks Falun Gong’s Founder With Tears in His Eyes
Jan. 24, 2021High School Student Recovers from Depression and Is Admitted to a Top University
Jan. 21, 2021Witnessing Miracles Experienced by Friends and Family Who Support Dafa
Jan. 17, 2021Falun Dafa Saved My Father from Death Twice
Jan. 12, 2021A 91-Year-Old's Amazing Experience
Jan. 9, 2021My Brother’s Fate Changed After Signing “Reject the CCP” Petition
Jan. 6, 2021From My Own Experiences, I Know Falun Dafa is Good
Jan. 3, 2021A Hong Kong Grandma’s Story
Jan. 3, 2021Believing “Falun Dafa Is Good” Brings Blessings
Dec. 20, 2020Understanding the Truth about Falun Dafa Brings Untold Blessings
Dec. 9, 2020Hit By a Flying Stone: Reciting “Falun Dafa Is Good” Saved My Life
Dec. 2, 2020Benefiting from Dafa: A Lucky Barber
Nov. 13, 2020My Son Is Blessed for Doing the Right Thing
Oct. 29, 2020A Man’s Fate Changes after Signing a Petition to End the CCP
Sept. 19, 2020Unbelievable Change After Reading a Poster
Aug. 2, 2020Falun Dafa Practitioner’s Daughter: Dafa Saved My Baby Boy and Helped Me Find a Good Job
July 19, 2020My Aunt Can See Again
June 20, 2020Falun Dafa Saved Me During a Brain Hemorrhage
June 15, 2020My Mother-in-Law's Amazing Experience When She Said “Falun Dafa Is Good”
May 31, 2020Master Saves My Family: Three Short Stories
April 27, 2020Recovering from Car Accidents and Coronavirus: My Family is Blessed for Reciting “Falun Dafa is Good”
April 20, 2020Critically Ill AIDS Patient Recovers After Heeding the Advice of a Falun Dafa Practitioner
April 12, 2020Family Members of Falun Dafa Practitioners Experience Experience Blessings
April 9, 2020The Magic Phrases That Helped My Relatives Recover from Coronavirus Infection
March 28, 2020Coronavirus Patient Recovers after Reciting “Falun Dafa is Good”
March 28, 2020The Man Who Collapsed Stood Up
March 26, 2020Stories of Blessings Received by Believers in Falun Dafa
March 9, 2020Obtaining Good Health and Good Fortune from Truly Believing that Falun Dafa Is Good (Part 3)
March 8, 2020Obtaining Good Health and Good Fortune from Truly Believing that Falun Dafa Is Good (Part 2)
March 8, 2020Granddaughter's Cough Stops After She Renounces the Communist Youth League
March 4, 2020Obtaining Good Health and Good Fortune from Truly Believing that Falun Dafa Is Good (Part 1)
March 2, 2020My Husband Overcame Health Scares with Belief in Falun Dafa
Feb. 18, 2020Growing Up in a Falun Dafa Family
Feb. 16, 2020People Benefit from Believing that Dafa Is Good
Feb. 14, 2020Miracles of Falun Dafa Hao (Part 2): Curing of Kidney Failure and Surviving a Tsunami
Feb. 12, 2020Miracles of Falun Dafa Hao (Part 1): Recovery from Gastric Cancer and Parkinson's Disease
Jan. 22, 2020My Head Was Unhurt After Slamming into a Metal Bar
Jan. 20, 2020How I Regained Mobility After Eight Years of Paralysis
Nov. 5, 2019The Power of the Phrase “Falun Dafa is Good”
Oct. 24, 2019Helping Our Friends Save Their Marriage
Oct. 20, 2019A Teacher's Amazing Story After Quitting the Chinese Communist Party
Sept. 12, 2019Dafa Protected My Family Members During Two Accidents
Aug. 30, 2019Encouraging Righteousness and Goodness
Aug. 4, 2019People Blessed After Understanding Falun Dafa
July 7, 2019Believing in the Goodness of Dafa Brings Blessings
April 16, 2019Liver Tumor Disappears After Sincerely Reciting “Falun Dafa Is Good”
April 15, 2019My Husband’s Remarkable Recovery
March 11, 2019School Officials Blessed by Dafa for Their Good Deeds