A Few Words From The Editors
As editors of this book and practitioners of Falun Dafa, we sincerely hope that you have found the reading enjoyable and informative. Although not every practitioner of Falun Dafa has experienced the extraordinary physical benefits the contributors to this book have described, each of us has enjoyed genuine improvement. Through living according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, we have discovered a state of being that we never imagined possible. In the hopes that even more people can benefit from this wonderful practice, we would like to invite you to try out Falun Dafa for yourself. All of the Falun Dafa teachings can be downloaded free of charge at
or they can be purchased at your local bookstore or online bookstore at
You may learn the five simple-to-do exercises by watching the exercise videos online, contacting a practitioner near you through this list.
or simply by asking any practitioner that you run into at one of our events.
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