After participating in the "Future of China" forum held on May 27, 2006, in Hong Kong, the vice president of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott called the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government to ensure that two Falun Gong practitioners return home safely, as contact was lost right after the meeting in China.
Before arriving in Hong Kong, Mr. McMillan-Scott was assigned to conduct an investigation in Beijing, and met with European country diplomats, representatives of Chinese non-governmental organizations, and two Falun Gong practitioners. One of the Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Cao Dong, was missing right after their meeting, and it was reported that he had been arrested by the Chinese regime.
Mr. McMillan-Scott announced the missing Falun Gong practitioner incident at the forum, and declared that he has requested an urgent meeting with the Chinese Ambassador in EU next week. He hopes that the CCP can ensure that the Falun Gong practitioners return home safely, will not be harassed in the future, and will be allowed to practice Falun Gong freely.
Mr. McMillan-Scott said that once the reports are issued, especially those about persecuting Falun Gong, and including reports such as organ removals and tortures being confirmed by investigators, that it will affect the decision by the international society on whether the Olympics should be allowed to be hosted by China.
Learning Persecution Facts by Meeting Two Falun Gong Practitioners
Mr. McMillan-Scott described how he met with two Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing. He said, "Last Sunday (May 21), I met with two Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing, because I want to know first hand how the CCP treats these peace-loving, nice, innocent Falun Gong practitioners. All they want is to continue practicing Falun Gong. I heard their testimonies for about one hour."
Mr. McMillan-Scott said that these two practitioners had both been detained. Mr. Cao Dong, 34, has been detained four years. His wife Yang Xiaojing is still detained. Mr. Cao testified that he and other Falun Gong practitioners have been cruelly tortured in prison, along with Tibetan Buddhist monks.
The other practitioner that Mr. McMillan-Scott met with was Mr. Niu Jinping, 52, who took his two-year-old daughter with him. He had been detained for two years, and his wife Zhang Lianying is still detained in a detention Center in Beijing.
Mr. McMillan-Scott said, "The 'Detention Center' I refer to is not a proper term to describe the mistreatment she is receiving."
Mr. McMillan-Scott said Mr. Niu Jinping's wife refuses to give up her faith. Every time when Mr. Niu visits her, he can see bruises covering her body. Guards sometimes beat her continuously, around the clock, but she still has refused to give up her belief.
Mr. Niu Jinping's wife Zhang Lianying is an employee of Guangda Corporation and is a CPA. She is now detained at the Tuanhe Training Labor Camp under the Beijing City Labor Camp Administration. According to her family, who sent their account to in October 2005, Ms. Zhang Lianying's head and face had many inch-long cuts that were different in depth, which caused her face to be deformed beyond recognition. She had difficulty moving and her mind was often unclear. Her life was also in danger.
Mr. Niu Jinping also told Mr. McMillan-Scott that in those two years when he was in prison, he knew more than thirty Falun Gong practitioners who had been beaten to death in that prison.
Mr. McMillan-Scott said again, "I said that I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, but I totally believe in freedom of belief, freedom of speech, freedom of thinking, and writing and reporting information. These freedoms have been signed in international covenants that was promised to the Chinese people, but the CCP has not fulfilled its promise."
Someone raised the question at the forum about the CCP's harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners' organs that was widely reported recently. Mr. McMillan-Scott expressed that these reports "are very shocking."
Mr. McMillan-Scott said, "I think the international society should deal with this immediately. Some Canadian VIP's have formed an independent investigative group for this matter. It is high time other international societies conduct investigations about this as well. Especially the United Nations, since it always has an emphasis on human rights, but they have not undertaken any investigation yet."
Mr. McMillan-Scott concluded his speech by saying that the CCP should follow the international covenants it signed, as the 2008 Olympics are approaching. Once the reports are issued, especially those about persecuting Falun Gong, and the organ removal from living practitioners, and tortures being confirmed by investigators, they will affect the decision of the international society on whether the Olympics should be allowed to be hosted by China.
American Citizen Deported for Facilitating the Meeting
U.S. businessman Mr. Steven Gigliotti facilitated the meeting of Mr. McMillan-Scott and the Falun Gong practitioners. Soon after the meeting, Steve was interrogated and deported back to the U.S.
According to Mr. Gigliotti's recollection, after the meeting he left to conduct some business. On the way back to his hotel, a car with no plates blocked the taxi he was in. Several plainclothes police pulled him out of his taxi, threw him inside their car, and covered his head with a scarf.
Steve was locked in an interrogation room, questioned from 6:00 p.m. on May 21, to 3:00 a.m. on May 22, 2006, non-stop. Then he was moved to a hotel room (Greater Long Hu International Apartments) until 6:00 p.m. on May 22, 2006.
Policemen were most interested in Mr. McMillan-Scott and the Falun Gong practitioners' meeting. They asked repeatedly, "How did you connect with them? With which means did you contact them? With which means did you help them connect with each other? What did they talk about? How much data did you collect? How many photos did you take? Who are those two Falun Gong practitioners? Why is the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in your laptop?"
Policemen took Mr. Gigliotti's notebook computer, and the photo of the meeting that he shot.
Policemen told Mr. Gigliotti that he had committed three crimes. They were "organizing this meeting, being in possession of meeting materials and audio recordings, and carrying Falun Gong material." They also said, "These are most severe crimes in China."
Finally, the police forced Mr. Gigliotti to sign three statements that declared, "They took my possessions legally, their interrogation was legal because I violated Chinese Law, and I admit I violated Chinese Law."
After 24 hours of detainment Mr. Gigliotti was sent to the airport with his head covered after 6:00 p.m. on May 22, 2006.
During a break in the interrogation, Steve sent a message to his friends in the U.S. that said "I was arrested." Policemen were very angry upon discovering this and took his cell phone away, and then forced him to send another message saying, "I am safe." They then forced him to shut off his cell phone. After returning to the U.S., Mr. Gigliotti found out that his friends did not believe the message was sent by him, and called the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. The U.S. Embassy called China's relevant departments, but got the answer that they did not know about this matter and did not know who he was.
Mr. Gigliotti said that he is worried, as although he was released, the situation in China is very urgent. Those two Falun Gong practitioners have been missing, and they risked their lives to meet with Mr. McMillan-Scott. He said that he had tried so many times, but could not reach them.
Mr. Gigliotti said, "I was arrested soon after the meeting, which means I was followed early on. It is very possible that those two Falun Gong practitioners were followed as well. Their lives are in danger. I call on the international society to urgently pay attention to this matter and help these two friends to reach safety."
(Update: Mr. Niu Jinping is currently under house-arrest.)
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Junying lived in Dayouzhuang Village, Jiugong Town in the Daxing District of Beijing. She started practicing in 1999 and went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in August 1999. She was sentenced to three years of forced labor. She continued to clarify the truth, expose the persecution, and help fellow practitioners after being released from the labor camp.
On December 27, 2005, Daxing District State Security agents, led by the village head, arrested Ms. Wu from her home. They took away a large amount of Falun Gong truth clarifying materials, books, electronic books, an MP3 player, and a computer worth more than 8,000 yuan. The authorities could not reach their goal after detaining her for more than three months, so they sent her to the Tiantanghe Women's Labor Camp on March 29, 2006. Ms. Wu Junying was tortured to death within 48 hours after arriving at the camp. In order to cover up their crime, the camp administration sent her dead body to Renhe Hospital in the Daxing District. They lied and said to her family that she was very sick with a stroke.
When asked, the camp administration refused to show Ms. Wu Junying's emergency treatment record, the doctors' names, or contact information. They also refused to provide any information on how Ms. Wu was guarded during her 48 hours in the camp.
Now the camp administration and Daxing District Court are
trying to pay her family 12,000 yuan in "Financial Assistance" to buy
their silence, hoping that her family will sign a regular death
certificate. Ms. Wu Junying' family has absolutely refused. The
authorities are trying with all their might to have her body cremated.
![]() Tan Pingyun and her daughter Yu Feng |
On May 18, 2006, practitioner Ms. Tan Pingyun from Weifang City, Shandong Province, was tortured to death by the Second Women's Labor Camp in Shandong Province. She was only 56.
At around 11:40 on the morning of May 18, 2006, Ms. Tan's family received a phone call from the labor camp, informing them that she was dying and telling them to go to the 148 Hospital to see her for the last time. They also said that if the family missed the chance, it wasn't the labor camp's problem.
Ms. Tan's family arrived at the hospital at 2:30 in the afternoon. By that time, her body was cold and her breathing and heartbeat could barely be detected. There were no apparent wounds on her body. When asked about the cause of her death, the labor camp officials did not give a direct answer. Instead, they claimed that she drank some toilet bowl cleaner when asked to clean the toilet at 7:00 that morning. The police said they had sent her to a hospital after finding out what happened. The hospital treated her symptoms as high blood pressure. After the treatment failed, they transferred her to the 148 Hospital.
During the conversation, the police learned that Ms. Tan's second brother, Tan Weiming, did not practice Falun Gong, so they only talked to him, not allowing other family members to be present. The police threatened the family by telling them that they knew Ms. Tan's elder sister, Ms. Tan Aiyun, participated in many Falun Gong activities including going online to download Falun Gong materials and that the family was in trouble. As a matter of fact, Ms. Tan Aiyun is in her 70s and was once persecuted in a labor camp for three years. She is very weak after being persecuted and does not know how to use a computer, let alone go online to download material.
Under police coercion, when asked what requests the family had, Mr. Tan Weiming said their only request was to get Ms. Tan's body back home, but the police were very afraid of the request. They emphasized that it was absolutely not allowed for the family to take Ms. Tan's body home and that her body had to be cremated in the labor camp area.
On the night of May 19, Zhong from the local Kuiwen District 610 Office, Liang Bin from the Kuiwen District police department, and Guan from Ms. Tan's work unit were ordered to go to the labor camp, where they, along with personnel from the provincial justice department, provincial labor camp bureau, and the labor camp, tried to persuade Mr. Tan Weiming to drop the family's request to have the body sent home. They said that any other requests would be considered. Mr. Tan Weiming had no other choice but agree to accept a compensation of 3,000 yuan and then have the body cremated in the labor camp area.
There are some suspicious circumstances surrounding Ms. Tan Pingyun's death.
1) Why were the authorities so afraid to have the body returned to Weifang, where the family resides, to be cremated?
2) In detention centers and labor camps, there is usually no toilet bowl cleaner because it is a prohibited item. Laundry detergent is usually used to clean toilets.
3) Ms. Tan Pingyun, who was supposed to have drunk toilet bowl cleaner, still had rosy lips and an intact tongue and teeth. According to experts, anyone who drinks toilet bowl cleaner will have his or her mouth and tongue burned.
4) Ms. Tan was treated for high blood pressure when it was claimed that she drank toilet bowl cleaner.
5) The authorities are usually vicious and confrontational after torturing innocent people to death. This time, however, they repeatedly asked Ms. Tan's family to make requests (other than the to take her body home) and promised to pay all medical expenses for her hospitalization. They also gave the family 3,000 yuan for funeral expenses.
6) After Ms. Tan Pingyun was dead, the authorities used her sister, Ms. Tan Aiyun, as an excuse to threaten the whole family.
7) Not long ago when Mr. Tan Weiming went to the forced labor camp to visit his sister Ms. Tan Pingyun, she was in very good spirits. Why would such a person suddenly "commit suicide?" Was this a suicide or homicide?
8) Why was the person that called the family on the morning of May 18 so sure that the family's visit to Ms. Tan would be their last chance to see her?
Parties responsible for Ms. Tan Pingyun's death:
Second Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province
610 Office in Weifang City
Weifang City Police Department
610 Office in Kuiwen District
Kuiwen District Police Department
Beiyuan Police Station
Former Weifang Cardboard Factory
It was reported that 610 Office head Luo Gan recently went to Dalian City. He issued an order to recapture practitioner Mr. Chen Minghui, also known as Chen Minhui, by any means. The police were given the authority to kill him without pardon. The order has been sent to all local police stations.
Following is Chen Minghui's story.
Mr. Chen Minghui was arrested in Jinzhou, Dalian City, on September 21, 2005. National Security agent Xu was responsible. Mr. Chen was detained at a National Security agency-owned white building in Tianjia Village, Xinzaizi Town, Dailian. During his detention, the police tried all kinds of ways to persuade him to spy for them in order to get to practitioner Yang Banliang. They promised Mr. Chen many benefits if he was willing to be a spy, such as 2,000 yuan per month in payments, arranging a stand for him to have a home appliance repair business, and other enticements. When Mr. Chen was tortured to near death they were afraid he would die in jail. They ordered him to call his wife to bail him out, demanding that she pay 10,000 yuan. Mr. Chen Minghui refused their request.
On the morning of September 24, Mr. Chen climbed the wall's wire fencing and then crawled out of the three-foot deep latrine pit, thus successfully escaping.
The authorities manned a large-scale search for him. All major intersections were blocked. Police came to a practitioner's home to check residential registrations and explained they were searching for an escaped prisoner. They monitored Mr. Chen's home 24 hours per day. They even went to his hometown of Wafangdian to search for him but failed to find him.
After Mr. Chen was eventually arrested, his wife was captured as she left home and then the authorities raided his home. They took all the tools and materials he used for his appliance repair job. After Mr. Chen successfully escaped from capture, they kept following his wife around, even to her place of work.
Liaoning Province officials recently informed all related branches to carefully search for Mr. Chen, who was involved in the truth-clarification TV broadcast in Liaoning Province. The notice they published specifies Mr. Chen's characteristics, his ID card, a photo, and other personal information. The notice explicitly stated that he knew freezing technology, that he was certified to do such repairs, and that he usually rode a bicycle. They are going to search for him among the professions related to freezing technology, such as frozen storage or businesses involving ice cream.
Here we sternly warn those who continue to persecute practitioners: Do not continue to be a scapegoat for those prime culprits who persecute Falun Gong. Leave a door open for your family and yourself. It is the heavenly principle that good is rewarded with good and evil meets with evil returns. More and more national security spies have suffered karmic retribution for their evildoings. If you continue persecuting practitioners, you may become the CCP's scapegoat and harm yourself in the end.
Recently, Falun Gong practitioners have exposed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s crimes of harvesting organs from living practitioners. As a Falun Gong practitioner who was persecuted in Mainland China, I would like to utilize what I personally experienced and witnessed to verify the worst persecution in history and attest to the existence of secret concentration camps.
When I was incarcerated in mental hospitals and labor camps for practicing Falun Gong, my mental strength was extremely low due to the prolonged persecution. Six people I knew had died as a result of the persecution. Many of my friends were sentenced to labor camps and prisons. Countless numbers of my friends were fired from their workplaces, threatened by the police and sent to brainwashing sessions for practicing Falun Gong.
I was jailed in the Dongcheng Detention Center in Beijing, the Tuanhe Dispatch Division in Beijing and in the Xin'an Women's Forced Labor Camp in Beijing from April 2000 to April 2001. Over 500f the people held in the detention center were Falun Gong practitioners. In the labor camps the numbers increased to more than 95 0.000000alun Gong practitioners. The CCP utilizes its national machinery to impose the genocidal persecution of Falun Gong all over the country.
At the time of my release from the labor camp, more than 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners were incarcerated there. The youngest was 18, and the oldest was in his 70s. Policemen beat and cursed practitioners at will because this kind of behavior is condoned by the CCP. The torture took many forms - including drastic verbal abuse, beatings, force-feeding, beatings with electric batons and heavy manual labor. Practitioners were deprived of sleep and forced to face a wall. Sometimes they had to knit sweaters in the dark. If they refused to renounce Falun Gong, they would be locked in solitary cells, which were dark and measured only 4 square feet. The tortures drove people to the point of mental collapse and destroyed people's souls. Human language cannot describe the CCP's fiendish crimes.
In September 1999 I attended an unprecedented Falun Dafa Press Conference in Beijing. Practitioners exposed the truth of the persecution to the international media. After that, Jiang Zemin issued an order--"Don't let a single one get away." All of the 30 practitioners who went to the press conference were arrested and sentenced. Two practitioners, Ding Yan and Cai Mingtao, have already died from the persecution. I escaped, fortunately, and went to the Falun Dafa International Conference in Guangzhou in November 1999. I was arrested for going to this conference and jailed in the Dongshan Detention Center in Guangzhou. Almost 100 practitioners were arrested and sentenced. Later I was sent to the Siping Mental Hospital in Jilin, where I was forced to take strong psychiatric medications and electric shock treatment for one month. Due to the torture, I lost part of my memory for more than two years.
In April 2000 I was arrested for holding a banner on Tiananmen Square. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners went to Tiananmen Square daily at that time to appeal for Falun Gong. The CCP set up a special police station on Tiananmen Square to arrest and jail Falun Gong practitioners. That police station had many separated cells secured with metal bars. Many Falun Gong practitioners from all over the country were imprisoned there. I saw a policeman in that station slap a female Falun Gong practitioner with his shoe, which badly scared her 4-year-old child.
When I was illegally held in the Dongcheng Detention Center I saw practitioners being arrested and sent to the detention center every day. As stated above, over 500f the detainees were Falun Gong practitioners. The policemen took a nightly headcount to keep a tally of the number of practitioners.
Since the CCP persecutes practitioners' families and pressures all practitioners' workplaces, many Falun Gong practitioners refused to tell their names, hometown and address when arrested in Beijing to prevent implicating their local officials and workplaces. Practitioners were numbered and held in detention centers, which became very crowded.
Practitioners were later sent away. I thought they had been released. According to the CCP's policy, each person who gets sentenced should be sent back to his local prison or labor camp. But practitioners who went to Beijing to appeal and were arrested were randomly sent to the Xin'an Women's Forced Labor Camp in Beijing. Some of them were sent to the Northeast of China and other places. Now I realized the reason the CCP didn't send them back to their hometowns - if their family members do not know where they are, the CCP can easily harvest their organs.
The policemen who subjected practitioners to illegal trials said, "We will send you to the desert. Killing you is just like killing an ant." From what they said, combined with the witnesses' testimony, the existence of secret concentration camps is quite likely. There are likely many concentration camps, such as the one in Sujiatun, all over the country.
From the detention center we were sent by bus to labor camps. On the way there, two of us were handcuffed together. We were forced to kneel, facing the seats, with our hands on our heads. From the outside it looked like the buses were empty, but the buses were actually full of Falun Gong practitioners.
All practitioners who were sent to labor camps were first sent to the Tuanhe Dispatch Division. This division, set up like a Nazi concentration camp, is where Falun Gong practitioners experienced excruciating tortures. Criminals customarily stay in this camp only for one month before being sent to other labor camps. But 11 practitioners from outside of Beijing who told their names were kept in this division for more than six months. Some of them were even there for almost one year. They first got there in the middle of winter in January 2000. They were sent to the labor camps in December 2000. Since they had winter clothes when arrested, in the summer time they had to cut off their long pants to make them into shorts.
More than 950f people who were kept in the Tuanhe Dispatch Division were Falun Gong practitioners. Policemen took all the Falun Gong practitioners individually to a dark solitary cell. Two policemen armed with electric batons forced practitioners to admit their "guilt" and write "guarantee letters" to renounce Falun Gong. Practitioners would suffer an electric baton beating if they refused to cooperate. I was assaulted with the electric batons for more than 30 minutes. My back was burned and my head was also injured. The burn was so bad that I could not lie on my back to sleep. In the daytime we were forced to bow down as low as possible, with hands on our heads. We had only ten minutes to wash up every morning and night, and we didn't have any chance to take showers. We were forced to do manual labor--wrapping chopsticks. We had to wrap chopsticks with a piece of paper that said, "Sterilized." We needed to finish a certain quantity every day; otherwise we were not permitted to sleep.
The CCP used all kinds of methods in the division to brainwash us. They compelled criminals to torture us physically and torment us mentally. They also tried to make us renounce Falun Gong with incentives of financial benefit. The prolonged mental and physical torture almost made me lose my mind. I gradually lost normal thoughts and the dignity of a human being.
If a visitor accompanied by an agent from the CCP arrived at the labor camp, he or she might see lawns, flowers and fish-tanks. All of those are the CCP's tricks to deceive people. A practitioner might tell a visitor that the CCP saved him or her. From my own experiences I can tell you that after suffering the long term ruthless mental and physical tortures inflicted by those CCP agents, one's spirit could really be killed, and he or she- who used to be a kind person- may appear to be tearfully grateful to the CCP, simply because the CCP didn't kill him or her. The evil of the CCP is beyond normal people's imagination.
The CCP's genocidal, inhuman persecution is the worst in history. It must be stopped immediately. We strongly call for an investigation in China. Considering all the lies that the CCP has perpetrated, we request an independent investigation. Our investigation of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong should not be pre-arranged or interfered with by the CCP.
It was reported that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Shizhong, from Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, was sentenced to two years of forced labor and was sent to the 3rd Sqiadron, 5th Group of Zhongba Forced Labor Camp on April 28, 2006.
Mr. Wu Shizhong, born in 1948, is the former Prosecutor of the Procuratorate in Qianxi'nan Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province. He has been living in Guiyang City since his retirement (see /emh/articles/2006/2/28/70374.html). On November 15, 2005, when Mr. Wu Shizhong was taking a trip away from home, he was arrested by police officers Yao Jun and Li Liejun from the Xilu Police Station of Guiyang City, and by the Director of the local 610 Office Li Ming. After that, he was sent to the Guizhou City Legal Education Center (a brainwashing center). He was then sent to the Yunyan District Detention Center in Guiyang City on November 30, 2005.
It was written on the forced labor notification issued by the Labor Camp Administration Committee in Guiyang City that, "On November 15, 2005, Mr. Wu Shizhong was arrested when he was carrying 200 copies of Falun Gong materials near the affiliated middle school of Guizhou Normal University. The term is from November 30, 2005 to November 29, 2007." The two weeks during which he was detained in the brainwashing center was not included in the term.
It was said that during the period he was held in the detention center, policemen wanted to charge him with "damaging the proceedings of national law by utilizing a cult organization," but failed. The charge was denied by the Procuratorate with the reason of "not reaching the standard of being charged."
Mr. Li Xupeng, from Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province, loved to read and was well-known for his intelligence in his hometown from the time he was very young. In 1993, with the highest score in his county, Mr. Li enrolled at Renmin University of China. Upon graduation, he went to Shenyang City and started his teaching career at National Administration College. During his college years he found Falun Gong and started practicing it. Falun Gong led him on a whole new life journey. When the persecution began, he, along with other practitioners, appealed to the provincial Communist Party Committee and went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. But what was waiting for him, one after the other, was prison and cruel torture.
After April 25, 1999, the police, under orders, started harassing Falun Gong exercise sites. Without any legal justification, the police refused to let practitioners hang banners saying, "Teaching Falun Gong, free of charge." All these incidents seemed to foretell that a strong political storm was on its way. Coordinators of many exercising sites, including the one where Mr. Li went, feared conflict with the government authorities and yielded to their unlawful demands.
Mr. Li firmly understood that Falun Gong is not at all harmful and that it was a benefit to the country and its people. He saw no reason to stop putting up the banner. He strongly believed that practitioners should not comply. He and Ming Yu brought their own banners, hung them at their morning exercise site, and protected them, one on each side, to prevent the police from tearing them down. An amazing thing happened: The four words "Fa Lun Da Fa"on their banner appeared to be three-dimensional and a complete image of each character appeared on the top and bottom and left and right sides, with all the images orbiting the central word. This miracle drew more and more people. It lasted for a week. Many people came to the site to practice Falun Gong. The number of people at the site suddenly increased from 300 to about 700.
Around July 20, when practitioners from Shenyang City demanded justice in front of the provincial government, policemen and armed police forces, in great numbers, forcefully dispersed thousands of peacefully appealing practitioners. Volunteering himself as the representative, Mr. Li Xupeng stood up bravely and went into the government office alone. Even though he was not a coordinator, he was a dedicated and well-respected practitioner. Because he went to the government, he was illegally arrested. Later, when he also went to Beijing to appeal, he was arrested again.
When Jiang Zemin groundlessly framed and denigrated Falun Gong, Mr. Li and his wife again went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong.
At the end of 1999, Mr. Li, along with other practitioners, went to an interview about their petition with a government official with whom they had an appointment. When they arrived, the government actually arrested them and sent them to a forced labor camp.
During his detention in the Longshan Forced Labor Camp, Mr. Li took the initiative and resisted the persecution. He successfully arranged a group hunger strike and forced the detention center to cease many vicious means of torturing Falun Gong practitioners. Some individual policemen swore to make his life miserable.
At the end of 2000, he was arrested for a fourth time, but Mr. Li broke away from the detention center very skillfully. The police offered a reward of 20,000 yuan for his arrest.
In early 2001 in Beijing, Mr. Li was arrested and sentenced to a forced labor camp for two years. In the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp, he held firm in his belief under the cruel persecution. The police detained him alone, tortured him non-stop over an extended period of time, steamed him in the boiler room, and extended his term for 10 extra months. None of these tactics could affect his genuine belief and righteous actions. Under his influence, many "transformed" practitioners in the unit he was in woke up from their wrongdoings and publicly pronounced anything they had said or written that violated the principles of Falun Gong to be invalid. In the end, the unit was dismantled.
At the end of 2004, he was arrested a sixth time and sent to Haidian Detention Center in Beijing. While he was detained there, he fell into a coma twice due to repeated tortures.
In March 2006, while visiting Bai Shaohua, also a practitioner, Mr. Li was arrested again. A month later, without any legal evidence, the police sent him and Ma Wanli to the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center in Shenyang City.
We appeal to the international community and every kind-hearted person to pay close attention to Mr. Li's situation and help stop the persecution of Mr. Li. Please help to rescue Mr. Li and all other detained practitioners from the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center.
1. Ms. Chen Jixiu, Falun Gong Practitioner from Chongqing City, Missing Since 2004
2. Ding Yan, Falun Gong Practitioner from Laiyang City, Shandong Province, Missing for 3 Years
3. Hu Wei, Student of Harbin Industrial University, Abducted Since He Claimed "Falun Dafa is Good." Whereabouts Unknown For Last Four Years.
1. Ms. Chen Jixiu, Falun Gong Practitioner from Chongqing City, Missing Since 2004
Ms. Chen Jixiu, about 30 years old, lived in the 6th Team, Siping Village, Yuanyang Township, Yubei District, Chongqing City. After she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, the local police had been threatening her. In 2004, she disappeared when she went outside. She suddenly lost contact with her family. Her whereabouts is unknown.
2. Ding Yan, Falun Gong Practitioner from Laiyang City, Shandong Province, Missing for 3 Years
Ding Yan, a practitioner from Laiyang City, about 46 or 47 years old, was a staff of Relay Station in Longwang Village, Laiyang City. She lived at the Laiyang City Transportation Company. She left home in autumn 2002 or 2003 to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong. She has been missing since and her whereabouts is unknown.
3. Hu Wei, Student of Harbin Industrial University, Abducted for Claiming "Falun Dafa is Good." Missing for Four Years.
Mr. Hu Wei, about 27 years old, was a student of Harbin Industrial University. His hometown is in the 9th Team, Hongtu Village, Jiangyuan Township, Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province. He is not a Falun Gong practitioner, but after he claimed that Falun Gong is good and the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is good, the police abducted him secretly. He has been missing for 4 years.
1. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Qi Xiang Holds Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution
Around noon on May 16, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Qi Xiang and his wife Zhao Lingling from Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province were illegally arrested at home. Officers from the Beita Police Department and the National Security Group handled the arrest. The officers took two computers, a printer, 800 yuan cash, 200 yuan worth of tokens and all of their Falun Gong books. Furthermore, they extorted 2,000 yuan and released Zhao Lingling. Ge Liang is the person who took the money. Qi Xiang is now being held at the Wujiawa Detention Center and is holding a hunger strike. Wujiawa Detention Center officials are force-feeding him.
Phone numbers of organizations and personnel responsible for the
Beita Police Department: 86-421-2613835
Gao Dianyin: police officer, 86-13942170010 (Cell)
Wang Yongfa: police officer, 86-13842150866 (Cell)
Ge Yongqing: police officer, 86-13704911455 (Cell)
Hou Yu: police officer, 86-13008249888 (Cell)
Lan Guilin: police officer, 86-13591890052 (Cell)
National Security Group: 86-421-2614849
Wang Jinglong: head of National Security Group, 86-421-2611250
Wujiawa Detention Center in Chaoyang City: 86-421-3814329 (office)
Ren Guofan: head of detention center,
86-421-3814329,86-421-2612938,86-13504211978 (Cell)
Shi Jianping: deputy head, 86-421-3814329,86-421-2926151,86-13942109169
Huang Xianyu: deputy head, 86-421-3814329,86-421-2621771,86-13188153355
2. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Police Hold Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Li Huixin Under Siege at Home
At 5:00 a.m. on May 21, officers from the Changfeng Police Department surrounded the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Huixin in the Yandong Neighborhood District in Changan District, Shijiazhuang City. Li Huixin is the older sister of Falun Gong practitioner Li Huiqi who was left in a vegetative state after suffering torture at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp. The police work in three shifts and are outside the home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are trying to arrest Li Huixin.
Feng Baoli: Changfeng Police Department head in the Changan
District, Shijiazhuang City, 86-13785181000 (Cell)
Guo Zhengzhi: political head, 86-13932173640 (Cell)
3. [Chibi City, Hubei Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaolian Mute from Torture
Police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaolian, an older woman from Chibi Town, Chibi City, Hubei Province during the May 1 holidays. She was sent to the psychiatric ward of Pufang Hospital in Chibi City. She is unable to speak due to the tortures she was subjected to. The Chibi Town regime is paying the police 6,000 yuan to send her to a brainwashing class.
4. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Liancai Arrested
Around 9:00 a.m. on May 17, 2006, Li Zongxi, deputy head of the Yangjiaogou Township Police Department in Kazuo County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province and political head Wang Xinmin went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Liancai and arrested her. She is now being held at the Kazuo County Police Department.
Zhang Liancai is around 50 years of age and lived in the family dormitory of the Yangjiaogou Township Middle School in Kazuo County. She often clarified the truth to the employees at the Yangjiaogou Township cafeteria and gave them "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" VCDs to help them learn the truth. Zhang Liancai suggested to the cafeteria workers that they give the VCD to the head of the township police department so he can learn the truth. The police threatened the cafeteria employees after they received the VCD, prompting them to divulge Zhang Liancai's name. She was later arrested.
Yangjiaogou Township Police Department in Kazuo County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province: 86-421-4534007
5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Dai Shanling Illegally Held at the No. 3 Detention Center
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dai Shanling from Changchun City is around 60 years of age. She lived on Xiangyang Street in the Kuancheng District, Changchun City. At 3:00 p.m. on May 17, three officers from Changtong Road Police Station arrested her from home. They took a copy of Teacher's picture, some Falun Gong books and a small quantity of truth clarification materials. Right now, Dai Shanling is being held at the No. 3 Detention Center in Changchun City.
Changtong Road Police Station: 86-431-2862179
6. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Shu Weijun Illegally Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shu Weijun from Fushun City is around 60 years of age. On March 13, 2006 she was caught on a surveillance camera when handing out truth clarification flyers at the 301 Hospital in Beijing. The police arrested her and sent her to a detention center. Shu Weijun has been sentenced to two years of forced labor and is being held at the Qinghe Women's Forced Labor Camp.
7. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Mr. Yu Xinhai and Ms. Yu Cuilan Arrested
It was learned on May 20, 2006 that Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Cuilan from Changchun City was arrested and sent to the No. 3 Detention Center in Changchun City. Her brother Yu Xinhai disappeared that same day.
8. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Meng Fanquan Transferred to the Fengrun District Detention Center
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Meng Fanquan from Tangshan City is 45 years old. He taught at the College of Light Industry at the Hebei Polytechnic University. On the afternoon of April 18, 2006, Chen Hong and other officers from Lubei Police Department in Tangshan City arrested her at work. She was held at the No. 1 Detention Center in Tangshan City. The persecutors were supposed to release her on May 18. Several days ago, she was transferred to Fengrun District Detention Center in Tangshan City instead, to be further persecuted.
9. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Dang Fengling Still being Persecuted
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dang Fengling from Tangshan City is 40 years old. She lives in Room 301, Door 3, Building 518, the No. 1 Hebei Residential District in the Lubei District, Tangshan City. At 4 p.m. on April 19, 2006, secret agents arrested her. Her home door was kicked open, and everything inside her home was turned upside down. Private property worth about 10,000 yuan was confiscated. Right now, Dang Fengling is being held at the Fengrun District Detention Center in Tangshan City.
10. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Qiu Liying Arrested; Her Current Whereabouts Unknown
Around 4:40 a.m. on May 21, three officers from the Sifang Police Department in the Changan District, Shijiazhuang City, arrested practitioner Ms. Qiu Liying and took her to the Sifang Police Department. They transferred her to an undisclosed location around 6:00 a.m. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
11. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhang Shuping Arrested
During the evening of April 27, 2006, practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuping from the Hedong District, Caiqiao Town, Yutian County went to Gushu Village to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Undercover police arrested her. She is now being held at the Yutian County Detention Center.
Telephone number of relevant personnel:
(Country code: 86, area code: 315. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers.)
Wang Jiuzong, secretary of the Yutian County Party committee:
6132288 (Office); 6103366 (Home), and 13903388016 (Cell);
Sun Jian, Police Department head: 6136001 (Office), 2218758 (Home), and
13832985958 (Cell);
Bian Jiuzhong, Police Department deputy head: 6136005 (Office), 6139988
(Home) and 13832984966 (Cell);
Liao Shukun, leader of the Security Group: 6159598 and 13785566948
Wang Shunli, Detention Center head: 6138008 (Office), 6560999 (Home)
and 13832984979 (Cell);
Meng Qingli, Custody Center head: 6116709 and 13832983720 (Cell).
12. [Beijing] Several Mentougou District Practitioners Arrested
On April 26 and 27, 2006, police from the Mentougou District arrested more than ten practitioners and ransacked their homes.
On April 26, practitioner Zhang Xiaoping was arrested at home. The morning of April 27, over a dozen agents from the Mentougou District Police Department and local police station arrested practitioner Ms. Tian Ruilan at home.
Zhang Xiaoping and Tian Ruilan are being held at the Mentougou District Detention Center.
13. [Anping County, Hebei Province] Two Elementary School Teachers Arrested for Practicing Falun Gong
On May 12, 2006, the police arrested two teachers from the Bolin Elementary School in Madian Township. Those responsible for this arrest are the following individuals: Sun Yihe, chief of the Political & Security Section, the Anping County Police Department in the Hengshui Area, together with Zhao Xuguang, Madian Township Police Station head and several policemen. They placed the teachers into the Anping County Detention Center. At present the two practitioners are staging a hunger strike to protest. Agent An Lanzhou, Anping County Police Department deputy head and Zhang Moqiang, Anping County Detention Center administrator, ordered five male inmates to force-feed and torture them.
Telephone numbers of relevant personnel:
(Country code: 86, area code: 318. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers.)
An Lanzhou, Anping County Police Department deputy head: 13383683636
Zhang Moqiang, Anping County Detention Center administrator:
13383683755 (Cell) and 7525755 (Home);
Anping County Detention Center: 7023506;
Zhao Xuguang, Madian Township Police Station head in Anping County:
13131872588 (Cell);
Sun Yihe, chief of the Political & Security Section, Anping County
Police Department: 13813808999 (Cell) and 7513802 (Home);
Jin Jianhui, an agent from the Madian Township Police Station in Anping
County: 13132420388 (Cell) and 7738088 (Home).
14. [Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Zhang Qiwen Arrested
On May 11, 2006, police arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Qiwen from Nanxiao Village, Longshan Town, Zhangqiu City at home, ransacked his home, confiscated all his Falun Gong books and truth-clarifying materials, and even over 10,000 yuan cash. Zhang Qiwen had saved the money by working very hard growing onions and grains, and it included his child's one-month salary. At present, Zhang Qiwen is being held at the Zhangqiu City Detention Center.
15. [Yinan County, Shandong Province] Supplemental Information About Liu Hongquan's Arrest
At around 11:00 a.m. on May 16, 2006, a white sedan drove to Liujialing Village, Hutou Town, Yinan County. Four or five policemen got out of the car and broke into practitioner Mr. Liu Hongquan's home and arrested him. They also confiscated a notebook computer, two printers and some truth-clarifying material.
During his teen years, Liu Hongquan had femoral head necrosis and was bedridden. His family spent all their money trying to cure his disease but it showed no alleviation. He felt hopeless and thought about committing suicide many times. At the beginning of 1999, he started to practice Falun Gong. Shortly after he started practicing, he benefited physically and mentally. He was able to sit up and later was able to walk. He even opened a little retail stall and made a living with his elderly parents. After he benefited from Falun Gong he told people his story and that Falun Gong is good. Simply for doing this, he was arrested.
16. [Wendeng City, Shandong Province] Sai Xufang's Home Ransacked
Practitioner Mr. Sai Xufang from Xizhai Village, Wendeng City, Shandong Province was reported for practicing Falun Gong. On May 18, 2006 a few policemen ransacked his home when he was absent. They confiscated all Falun Gong books and Master's pictures.
17. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Practitioners Lin Haiqin and Lin Jing Arrested
On May 14, 2006, practitioner Ms. Lin Haiqin from Nanyang City, Henan Province was reported when clarifying the truth to people in Xiezhuang Township. Afterwards, personnel from the Xiezhuang Township Police Station arrested her. She is presently being held at the Shangzhuang Detention Center.
Around noon on May 18, 2006, police arrested practitioner Ms. Lin Jing from Zhenping Town, Henan Province from her home. They confiscated her computer and other personal belongings. Her younger brother and another practitioner were also arrested at the same time.
18. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Eight Practitioners Including Li Guojun Arrested
It is reported that during the afternoon of May 16, 2006, eight practitioners including Mr. Li Guojun and Ms. Liu Li were arrested from practitioner Ou's home in the Qingyang District, Chengdu City. Personnel from the Jinniu Police Station ransacked Liu Li's home in the middle of the night.
19. [Chongqing] Practitioner Xiang Youwei Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
On March 23, 2006, practitioner Xiang Youwei from the Wanzhou District, Chongqing City was sentenced to four years of imprisonment at the Yubei District Court. After receiving the verdict he immediately appealed to the First Intermediate Court of Chongqing City. The intermediate court is handling the case.
20. [Shanghai] Practitioner Chen Chen and Huang Jiayuan Arrested
Practitioner Chen Chen and Mr. Huang Jiayuan from Shanghai were arrested on May 15, 2006. Their computer repair shop was closed down and sealed.
21. [Meishan City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner He Qiuyu Has Been Unlawfully Held for Two Months
On March 6, 2006, personnel from the Chongli Town Police Department and policeman Fei Guangshu from the National Security Group arrested practitioner Ms. He Qiuyu from Chongli Town, the Dongpo District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province. She has so far been unlawfully held at the Dongpo District Detention Center for over two months.
He Qiuyu has an old father in his 70s or 80s. Her husband was sick in bed, thus nobody took care of the crops. The whole family is experiencing hardships.
22. [Emeishan City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Luo Guirong Arrested
Policeman Xu Fuqiang from the Luomu Town "610 Office" and Li Laosan from the local police station arrested practitioner Ms. Luo Guirong from Jianxin Village, Luomu Town, Emeishan City, Sichuan Province.
23. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Liu Yu Illegally Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
Practitioner Ms. Liu Yu, about 30 years old, graduated from Beijing Technology University. She used to be a Wenhui Newspaper reporter and works in the Education Department at a school in Shenzhen City.
During the morning of May 30, 2006 police illegally arrested Liu Yu. She has been held for nearly 14 months. She has been on trial twice, was sentenced to four years of imprisonment and she is preparing to appeal.
24. [Shanghai] Four Practitioners Including Xu Chenghua Arrested
On about May 10, Ms. Xu Chenghua and three other practitioners from the Xuhui District in Shanghai were illegally arrested from home. On the same day, practitioners Mr. Chen Cheng and Mr. Huang Jiayuan from the Hongkou District were also illegally arrested. The computer shop they owned was forcibly closed.
25. [Yinan County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Liu Hongquan Arrested
At around 11:00 a.m. on May 16, 2006, police arrested 33-year-old practitioner Mr. Liu Hongquan from Liujialing Village, Hutou Town, Yinan County, Shandong Province.
26. [Chongqing] Practitioner Yang Qin Illegally Arrested
In April 2006, the police followed practitioner Ms. Yang Qin when she was distributing truth-clarifying materials, suddenly searched her vegetable basket and then arrested her. Her family eventually got her out. Lawless policemen threatened her husband and son. Several days later, around April 25, special agent from the National Security Group deceived Yang Qin into opening the door and arrested her. Her whereabouts are unknown.
27. [Yunnan Province] Practitioners Illegally Held in Yunnan Province's 2nd Forced Labor Camp
Mr. Wang Fei, detained in Group 3;
Mr. Su Zhenhong, in Group 4; He was a doctor for the Kunming Steel and
Mr. Zhao Yonghua, in Group 5; He was a policeman from the Kunming Steel
Iron Group;
Mr. Zhang Hong, in Group 2;
Mr. Tan Jianhui, detained in Group 2
Mr. Su Kun resists the persecution and refuses to be "reformed." The forced labor camp authorities used the excuse of it being the "tightly monitoring period" to prevent his family from visiting him. None of his family members who practice Falun Gong are permitted to see him, including his parents.
Investigation Lead: Eight Patients Receive Kidney Transplants in Five Days at Chengdu Army General Hospital
Yang Xiuqiong, a woman from Anxi Town, Xinjin County now lives in Chengguan, Xinjin County. On November 28, 2002 she received a kidney transplant at the Chengdu Army General Hospital. Around the time of her surgery, eight people, including herself, received kidney transplants within five days. The patients were prevented from knowing the head surgeon's identity. Hospital officials merely told them that the best doctor was assigned to carry out the procedure. Ms. Yang only knew that there was a doctor named Wang Liang.
Investigation lead: in 2003, three large buses transferred young Falun Gong practitioners from Fushun City, Liaoning Province to Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
According to an insider, in 2003, three large buses fully loaded with Falun Gong practitioners traveled from Fushun City, Liaoning Province to Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. The Falun Gong practitioners were of both genders, all of them under 30 years of age. They were driven to a prison in Harbin City. There were actually not that many Falun Gong practitioners in Fushun City who were illegally sentenced to prison. It is quite likely that the practitioners were brought in from other cities. We refrain from divulging information regarding the witness at present for his own protection.
Investigation lead: Huaxi Hospital doctor and staff in Chengdu City urge patient to undergo liver transplant
Qin, an engineer living at a teacher's dormitory in Xinjin County, suffered from liver disease, which could not be cured after treatment at the Huaxi Hospital in Chengdu City. The doctor suggested that he undergo a liver transplant. His family decided that a liver transplant would be very costly and the post-surgical survival rate not long, so they turned it down. In April 2006, the hospital officials repeatedly urged the patient to undergo a liver transplant surgery, but the patient did not go for it. In the past few days, the hospital staff have continually pressured the patient to undergo a transplant.
Investigation lead: the hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University finds matching liver in little more than 20 days
I have a friend who was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2004. A medical expert said his only option was to receive a transplant. He went to the hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University, also called the No. 1 People's Hospital in Shanghai in late October 2004 to prepare for liver transplant surgery. A matching liver was available in little more than 20 days. The head surgeon was Xu Xueming. When my friend came back, he said that lots of people received liver transplants at the hospital. As for the source of these organs, I think it's very likely that they came from murdered Falun Gong practitioners, similar to the ones held in Sujiatun Concentration Camp.
Investigation lead: a child's pineal gland stolen at Yaan City People's Hospital 10 years ago
When a Falun Gong practitioner clarified the truth about the Sujiatun Concentration Camp to a non-practitioner, the latter had no doubt that the Chinese Communist Party is capable of such vicious crimes. He told the Falun Gong practitioner something he knew, which took place about a decade ago in Yaan City: there was a sick child from Kongping Township in Yaan City who later died. The child was hospitalized at the Yaan City People's Hospital. The hospital staff wrapped the child's body in a piece of white cloth after death. When the body was sent home, the family unwrapped the cloth. They discovered that the back of the child's skull had been opened and then reattached, and the pineal gland had been removed.
Investigation lead: man in a residential area in Dandong City, Liaoning Province plasticized bodies and sold them overseas
According to a Beijing Morning News special report from Liaoning Province, dozens of corpses were stored inside a courtyard in Group 7, Xiaogushan Village, Loufang Town, Zhenan District, Dandong City.
It was reported that a foreigner brought these bodies to Xiaogushan Village around May 17 for human specimen sale as well as for medical uses.
After receiving the report, the Dandong city police agency dispatched officers to investigate the matter. After they confirmed that the storage of these bodies was part of a business transaction, they transferred the issue to the Department of Public Health in Dandong City. The police refused to comment.
"I heard that many bodies were found in a courtyard in Xiaogushan Village, Loufang Town, Zhenan District, Dandong City," says a reader of Beijing Morning News. He also heard that about 30 bodies were discovered.
In China, it looks like making profits off human bodies and corpses is being done openly and in large quantities.