[Minghui Net] I did not believe in Falun Dafa before. This February a colleague's father passed away. I went to the crematorium with them. On the way to the cemetery from the crematorium, I saw a red banner hung up on a tree with the words, "Falun Dafa is good." I said to the people in the car, "This day and age who still believe in this thing? The government has already banned it. I do not believe in it."
Due to the circumstances, no one said anything. I continued to yap away, "I will not believe in it unless I have swellings on my head and body, and skin ulcers on my face. Only then will I believe in Falun Dafa." I repeated those words twice. We arrived at the cemetery and the car stopped. I was the first to get off. As I opened the car door and stuck my head out, the door swung back unexpectedly and hit me in the head. I felt dizzy and had to lean on the door for quite a while before I recovered. On the way back I felt my head and discovered I had developed a large swollen lump.
When I got home, I had lumps and felt itchy all over my body . My wife asked me how I managed to get all these from the crematorium. I said I had bad-mouthed Falun Dafa during the trip, and this could very well be the requital. Next day my face started to swell. I went to the hospital and the doctor asked me how I got this. I told him what had happened in the car. He only smiled and made no comment.
I went home from the hospital, and contacted the relative of my colleague. I asked him, "Please give me the book Zhuan Falun. I want to learn Falun Dafa." I spent three days reading the book, and felt it was a good book. It was not like what the government had portrayed. Dafa teaches people to be good person and consider others before thinking about oneself.
Several days had past. A relative of another colleague also passed away. I went to the crematorium again. When I got off the car, I saw the crematorium was full of police. I was very surprised how there could be that many arrests in the crematorium warranting that many policemen. I asked one of them what had happened. He told me: "We are all policemen from Panjin City. We were on our way to Beijing to arrest our local Falun Gong practitioners. When we reached the southern part of Jinzhou City (in Liaoning Province) on the 102 National Highway, all four tires from the vehicle came off, and four policemen were killed on the spot. Because Panjin is too far away, they have to be cremated here in Jinzhou." I said: "This is pay back for the bad deeds in this life time." The policeman thought I was crazy. I told my family this story when I returned home. They asked me why I did not take off my hat and show them the swellings on my head.
I want to tell everyone: Falun Dafa is the great Fa of the universe. For those who do not practice Falun Dafa please do not bad mouth Dafa. It's not a wise thing to do. I am the walking testimony. Now I have started practicing, I have enlightened to many of the principles. I want to tell all other people: please wake up!
Mar 27th, 2001
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