A group study session was held at the Jiantan Community Center in the suburb of Taipei City, Taiwan from May 25 to May 27. More than one thousand practitioners, primarily from the northern part of Taiwan, attended the study session. Coincidentally, the article from the Minghui editors titled "Send Forth the Righteous Thoughts" was published while the group Fa study session was in progress. Therefore, on the morning of May 27th, along with practitioners from all over the world, the Taiwanese practitioners gathered to send forth their righteous thoughts at 5 AM, 6 AM and 7 AM to eliminate the evil that has been damaging Dafa within the Three Realms.
The scene was breathtakingly majestic. The pure and benevolent power of the Fa filled the heart of every single person. Many new practitioners felt extremely fortunate to be given the opportunity to participate in such a historical moment. By 5 AM, all the practitioners had quietly gathered at the front lawn of the community center. They sat down in an orderly manner and knew that they were about to participate in a special Fa rectification event. In the next few minutes, they had nothing but pure and righteous thoughts in their minds. They were connected with the hundred million Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world. Because of that, the group Fa study session became especially meaningful.
The following is the experience-sharing article written by a practitioner who participated in the event:
When we first read the article "Send Forth the Righteous Thoughts", many of us could not stop the tears welling up in our eyes. Think about it! More than one hundred million practitioners all over the world share the same great and benevolent teacher, and cultivate in the same great laws of the universe. Together, we are shouldering the same historical mission and fulfilling the same solemn pledge. Even though we are scattered all over the world, the more than one hundred million Dafa particles would use the same righteous thoughts and firm beliefs in their hearts at the same moment. How great that combined power must be! When all of us gather and quietly recite, "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated," what a majestic and shining moment that must be!
As I was leaving my room at 4:40 AM, I could not hear anything at all outside. I thought that all the other practitioners were still in their rooms upstairs getting ready. To my surprise, when I came out, I saw that more than one thousand practitioners had already gathered outside. They were sitting cross-legged on the front lawn, and quietly waiting for the moment to arrive. It was still dark outside at that time, yet the combined strength of all the practitioners somehow made everything so bright!
One practitioner told me, "I did not sleep at all last night. I was afraid I would miss this moment!" Another practitioner said, "I got up at 3:30 AM to get ready." Some practitioners who did not stay overnight at the community center drove there at 4 AM to attend the event. Some practitioners called all the practitioners that they knew, and reminded them not to miss this historical moment. Every single practitioner took part with a pure and deep reverent heart to the Dafa.
At 4:55 AM, all the practitioners sat cross-legged and conjoined their hands. They thought to themselves to eliminate all the bad thoughts in their minds and all the interference from the outside so that the righteous thoughts that they send forth would be more pure and resolute. When the moment arrived, each person held one hand in front of his chest, and sent forth righteous thoughts. At that moment, many of us felt this incredible power surge. Just like Master Li said in his article "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful," "Actually, every Dafa disciple has abilities. It's just that the abilities do not manifest in the surface dimension, so they think that they don't have supernormal abilities. But regardless of whether they can manifest in the surface dimension or not, when a person's True Thoughts come forth, they are very powerful."
In the next 5 minutes, every single practitioner was a particle within the Fa. As he sent forth his righteous thoughts, each practitioner was a "god as tall as heaven and incomparably noble, with an enormous body." We focused all our efforts on our thinking, and worked together to eliminate all the evils that have been damaging the Fa within the Three Realms. It was truly "the manifestation of the Fa whose power knows no boundary--the reappearance of the mighty Buddha Fa in the human world!" During that five minutes, it seemed that time had stood still and the air had stopped flowing. Yet how could one begin to describe the sheer magnificence in other dimensions? Under this strong and most impenetrable energy field filled with righteous thoughts, any evil will break up and turn into dust as soon as they enter it!
When we opened our eyes at 5:05 AM, we noticed that the previously darkened sky had turned bright and clear, and everything around us was shining under a brilliant light. The more than one thousand practitioners present did not make any noise at all after that. We quietly divided into two groups, and began to practice the five sets of exercises by the lake next to the community center and by the local train station. We gathered together again at 5:50 AM and 6:50 AM, sat crossed-legged, conjoined our hands, and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil two more times. Under the righteous thoughts of more than one hundred million practitioners all over the world, the evil forces that had been drawing their last breaths have become even weaker and on the verge of collapse. The powerful, righteous thoughts of the Dafa disciples have shaken up the universe and moved people both on earth and in heaven. One practitioner had stood outside to photograph the scene. Upon witnessing such purity and serenity, he could not stop from crying.
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