(Clearwisdom.net) February 5, 2002 was a sunny day, and Dafa music could be heard playing in the hall of the Illinois State Capitol as Illinois Dafa practitioners demonstrated the exercises and held a three-day truth-clarifying photo exhibition. Coincidently, the Illinois General Assembly and Senate held a conference during the same period. The practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and exposed the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners to Illinois government officials, nearly one hundred representatives, and staff.

The State Capitol is the center of the state government and the conference center for both the State Assembly and Senate. From February 5 to 7, 2002, 59 senators and 118 representatives attended the 92nd meeting. Many people passed though the hall each day.
The practitioners demonstrated the five-sets of exercises following the music and Teacher's words. The scene was graceful, serene and peaceful. Some on-lookers started to learn the hand gestures of the second set of exercises. They said, "So serene, peaceful and graceful. How nice it would be if I could meditate for half an hour every day. I can feel your inner strength." Many requested information and expressed their interest in learning the exercises. A female secretary told the practitioners that she regretted missing the exercise demonstration because she was busy at work. One of her colleagues watched the demo and picked up Dafa literature. Other colleagues circulated the information actively. One photographer was moved by the serenity and peace of the practitioners and took many photos of the practitioners while they exercised.
The photo exhibition introduced Falun Gong, how widely it has spread, how it is recognized throughout the whole world, and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Many representatives expressed their sympathy towards the practitioners after learning the truth and said that the Jiang regime's human rights violations and brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners should be stopped. One representative who was often in contact with the Chinese Embassy came to our stand and said, "I was moved by the steadfastness and peaceful means of the practitioners when I saw them practicing the exercises and clarifying the truth in front of the embassy every week, in both cold and hot weather. Today I have the chance to meet Dafa practitioners face to face, and I'll learn more about Falun Gong." Then the practitioners introduced him to Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. He was deeply moved again by the great compassion and tolerance of the Dafa practitioners facing persecution and mistreatment.
In preparation for the activity, the Dafa practitioners coordinated and cooperated while taking care of the different tasks such as selecting photos, setting up the site, arranging activities, contacting government officials, preparing truth-clarifying materials, and contacting media--all of which showed the power of Dafa practitioners as an integrated body.