(Clearwisdom.net) On April 7, 2002, people from religious circles held a ceremony to release the souls from suffering that died in the 2.28 event in Jiayi City. Dafa practitioners from southern Taiwan participated in the activity and used this opportunity to spread the Fa and clarify the truth to the members of the China Great Harmony World Merits and Virtues Association (Note: a religious group) on the scene and acheived good results.

It was a Sunday, and the last day of the activity, which many people attended. Many Dafa practitioners came very early. Practitioners first did the fifth set of exercises on the lawn, then sent forth righteous thoughts and did the other four sets of exercises. Although it was very hot, practitioners practiced very devotedly. The whole atmosphere was very serene.
The leader of the Merits and Virtues Association who hosted this ceremony came over to see the practice several times and took pictures. Practitioners used this opportunity to introduce Falun Gong to her and clarify the truth. She said that practitioners' participation in this activity had a positive effect. Practitioners also presented a box of Zhuan Falun books and related Dafa materials to the Merits and Virtues Association. The group's leader expressed that she would pass these books and materials to other members. The whole Fa-spreading activity ended at 11am.