(Clearwisdom.net) On August 15 at 5:30 pm, Dafa practitioners from Atlanta, Georgia held a press conference in Woodruff Park at the center of the city to strongly condemn the Jiang regime for extending its persecution to overseas, coercing the Hong Kong government to persecute Falun Gong practitioners without regard to Hong Kong's Basic Law and the Hong Kong people's basic human rights.

Chinese and western practitioners delivered speeches at the press conference. They showed people with clear evidence that the accusations of "obstructing traffic" and "attacking police" are totally unfounded and complete fabrications. What happened in Hong Kong, Cambodia, Iceland are the extension and escalation of the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Practitioners called upon the United Nations, governments of the world and people from all walks of life to extend their helping hands to condemn Jiang's brutal persecution and stop its propagation outside of China.
During the press conference, practitioners also sent forth righteous thoughts and demonstrated the Dafa exercises.