(Clearwisdom.net) June 6th report: In order to let people learn the truth about Jiang's persecution of Falun Dafa, Dafa practitioners at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia held a series of activities to spread the news that Jiang is being sued for genocide. They put up posters, set up an information table, distributed flyers, visited lecturers and professors in the Department of Law, and invited them to attend a public forum entitled, "The World Prosecutes Jiang Zemin" held on June 10.
The professors were glad to accept the invitation, and many of them showed support for the lawsuit and said, "It's time to put Jiang on trial!" Posters attracted many students' attention, and some of them stood in front of the posters and read carefully. Once, as soon as a practitioner put up a poster, a Chinese student excitedly pointed at it to her friend and said, "Look, I didn't even know there was such a thing!"
Through this activity, practitioners had more communication and experience sharing, and realized how to clarify the truth in a better and wiser way. Let's work together to clarify the truth, offer salvation to people and do well what we are supposed to do!

Category: April 25 Events