(Clearwisdom.net) December 10, 2004 was International Human Rights Day. Falun Gong practitioners in the greater Frankfurt area gathered at the city's Old Opera House to raise public awareness of the persecution and to call for help.

Practitioners gather in front of the Frankfurt old Opera House to call for help
It was a Friday and some practitioners came to the old opera house during
their lunch break to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and distribute
truth-clarifying materials to tourists. There were also some practitioners who
came to help after they got off from work. During the 1-day event, many tourists
saw Falun Gong exercises and obtained information.
A large number of passersby signed a petition calling for the immediate release
of Xu Youlin, mother of a German practitioner. Ms Xu is being detained in
Beijing's Women Forced Labor Camp for practicing Falun Gong.
Regarding the persecution of Falun Gong launched and maintained by the Jiang's regime and the Chinese Communist Party, Peter, a graduate of the Sinology Department of Frankfurt University, made the following statement in fluent Chinese: "The topic of my University study was ancient Chinese culture and modern human rights issues. I am very happy to participate in this activity today on International Human Rights Day. Some Germans think that the human rights record of China has improved, but I think it has gotten worse. On the surface it looks as if it's a bit better, but that's only because the evidence and details have been hidden."
Peter added: "In China, Falun Gong practitioners of all social strata, from children to elders, have been severely persecuted. As a practitioner, I dearly want to tell people, especially the Chinese tourists, the truth of the persecution."
"Some Chinese tourists were surprised upon seeing our group practice. 'Why is Falun Gong banned in China while the practice can be freely practice in Germany?' They will therefore start to think about it. Many of them still don't know the severity of the persecution. After reading our materials, they learned the real situation of the persecution," Peter said.
Source http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200412/23891.html