Today’s Articles — February 20, 2004
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University Student Expelled for his Practice of Falun Gong Exposes the Persecution He Faced in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp (Part 2)
( Note: Dafa practitioner Gong Chengxi (male), aged 25, was a student in the department of administration management at China University of Political Science and Law. He was born in Wulumuqi City, Xinjiang. He was the president of the student union and a class monitor at the university. He was known to be honest and kind, and exhibited excellence in his conduct and academic achievements. He was expelled because he practices Falun Gong.
Retired Teacher Ms. Zhang Shuzhen from Beijing Died from Injection of a Toxic Substance
( According to a February 13, 2004 report from the Falun Dafa Information Center, persons at the Qinghe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing had infused the 51-year-old retired teacher Ms. Zhang Shuzhen with a toxic substance for refusing to give up Falun Gong practice.
An Account of Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured by Mu Jianfeng and Others in the Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp, Inner Mongolia (Part 2)
( Mr. Liang Baochi, 35, is an employee of the Hohhot City Winery of Jinyuan Group in Inner Mongolia.
In April 2001, to force Falun Dafa practitioners to give up their cultivation, the third division tortured Liang Baochi and other practitioners who had been recently sent there. The practitioners were forced to run over 80 laps around the athletic field. Practitioner Yuxue said, "Hardship suffering treated as joy." (from Master Li's poem of "Tempering One's Mind and Heart" in Hong Yin) The persons who watched him reported him to the division leader. He was called into the office and shocked with electric batons. Practitioner Liang went to reason with the division leader and was handcuffed from behind his back [according to, during the cuffing, one hand was from above the shoulder and the other from behind the back, and the cuff will cut into the muscle in several minutes]. He was shocked with electric batons, and then put into a solitary cell for two days.
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Focus Topics

Self Immolation Hoax
Biggest propaganda stunt of all time, cooked up to make Falun Gong look bad

Deaths Confirmed
The true death count is likely many times higher

Organ Harvesting Crimes
Tens of thousands likely killed for their organs

So-Called "1400 Deaths"
A fundamental mistruth in the false propaganda against Falun Gong

April 25 Peaceful Appeal
The most peaceful protest in history is called a 'siege' by top party brass

Prosecuting Jiang Zemin
Bringing the prime culprit in the persecution to justice

More Basic Truths
A primer on the web of lies upon which the persecution was built

Learn About Falun Dafa
An advanced practice of self-cultivation freely available to all
Recent News
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)