(Minghui.org) Sending forth righteous thoughts is one of the three things that Master requires of us. It is very important, and every Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple must do well in this regard. However, for a very long time and due to various reasons, students in some areas of Mainland China and some new students outside of China have still not correctly grasped the times and essentials for sending forth righteous thoughts. There are areas where a few individuals have gone and established something new and different of their own, creating interference for some students. To address this, this article is a re-compilation of the requirements and essentials for sending righteous thoughts consisting of articles from the earliest to the latest, and is provided here for reference for Mainland Chinese students and new students from other areas:
I. Essentials for sending forth righteous thoughts
First cleanse yourself for five minutes, and then begin to send forth righteous thoughts for five to ten minutes to clear away the evil dark minions and rotten demons, and eradicate the Communist evil specter and all of the evil factors of the Communist Party in other dimensions.
Take as an example sending forth righteous thoughts simultaneously across the world: before sending forth righteous thoughts to clear away the evil (starting at 5:55, 11:55, etc), become tranquil for 5 minutes and think about eliminating the bad thoughts in your mind, thought karma, and bad notions or external interference; and then start to send forth righteous thoughts at the top of the hour, disintegrating the dark minions and rotten demons of the old forces, and destroying the Communist evil specter and all of the evil factors of the Chinese Communist Party in other dimensions, each time lasting at least five minutes.
When sending forth righteous thoughts, your mind must be focused, pure, and stable--only then can you call upon your greater abilities.
After cleansing your mind, what should you think about before reciting the verses?
Again taking sending forth righteous thoughts simultaneously across the world as an example: after cleansing yourself, starting at the top of each hour and for at least five minutes each time, all of the Dafa disciples across the world should think about the following:
1) Eradicate all evil that damages Dafa, disintegrating all of the dark minions and rotten demons, destroying all elements of the Communist evil specter and all of its evil factors of the Chinese Communist Party in other dimensions, encompassing all of it and leaving out none
2) It is fine to designate a couple of specific targets
3) Silently recite Master's Fa-rectification verses which mean, "The Fa rectifies the cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated," and you can add the verses that mean "The Fa rectifies heaven and earth, immediate retribution in this lifetime" as the need arises; whether or not one's primary language is Chinese, they should use accurate Mandarin Chinese pronunciations as much as possible when reciting the verses.
The Chinese pronunciation for the verses are given below:
The Fa rectifies the cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated
(Pinyin romanization)
fa zheng qian kun
xie e quan mie
(phonetic rendering)
fah jung chyen kwuhn
shyeh uh! chwen myeh
The Fa rectifies heaven and earth, immediate retribution in this lifetime
(Pinyin romanization)
fa zheng tian di
xian shi xian bao
(phonetic rendering)
fah jung tyen dee
shyen shrr shyen baow
4) After silently reciting the verses, focus powerful thoughts in saying the word
Mie1 (). The Mie (
) word needs to be so strong that it's as large as the cosmic body, encompassing everything and leaving out nothing in any dimension. ("Righteous Thoughts") While in a state of tranquility, concentrate your strong force of thought and hold on to this giant character of Mie. Make sure that you do not fall asleep in the process, or there will be no effect no matter how long you sit.
1 This is the last word in one of the formulas, and means "cleaned out," "eliminated," "purged," etc. It is pronounced "Myeh."
Regarding item number two above, before silently reciting the verses and the word Mie, it is fine to silently add in a thought based on the local conditions. For example: eradicate the evil in the local labor camp or brainwashing center, have some specific wicked individual receive immediate karmic retribution, etc. But please make sure to note: it is not appropriate for the actual targets to be too numerous or specific, otherwise, not only will it take too long to recite and cause you to miss the time for everyone sending forth righteous thoughts together, if you can't calm your mind, it won't achieve the effect of sending forth righteous thoughts, and because it is all specific things, this will limit the realm of influence of your own powers.
Master said in the article "Righteous Thoughts,"
"There are also some students who, when they send righteous thoughts, specifically target in their minds one or a few evil elements, and that prevents the gong and the divine powers they send out from having the maximum effect. Of course, if the circumstances are special and you target one evil being or a few evil beings as you send forth righteous thoughts, either by yourself or together, then that's something you should do, and the concentrated power is tremendous. But when you normally send righteous thoughts together on a daily basis you should chase down the evil on a larger scale. You shouldn't target one or a few evil beings each day, each time."
You have to serenely, silently recite the verses
Before sending forth righteous thoughts, you need to have powerful, steadfast thoughts to eliminate the evil, and know that your righteous thoughts can for sure eliminate the evil. Use pure, righteous benevolence and serenely, silently recite the Fa-rectification verses.
1) The requirement for reciting the verses is to "recite silently," not chant loudly (or audibly). Reciting the verses does not mean chanting them repeatedly. When silently reciting the verses, the more tranquil, the more steadfast, the more pure and stable the thoughts, the greater the power they will have.
2) When sending forth righteous thoughts, after reciting the verse once silently, it is best if one can maintain righteous thoughts within a state of tranquility. When the righteous thoughts are not stable, repeat the verse again to focus one's energies. Repeatedly and continuously reciting the verses will affect one's state of tranquility; over-emphasizing the reciting of the verses could in fact restrict the range in which the supernormal powers are effective.
3) Some students look at the surface results after sending forth righteous thoughts, and they'll think that their sending forth righteous thoughts is ineffective if they can't see the surface results. This is caused by not understanding the Fa principles well and not having strong enough righteous thoughts, and this will affect the results of sending forth righteous thoughts. Before sending forth righteous thoughts, it is imperative to strengthen your own thoughts to steadfastly eliminate the evil, and know for sure that your righteous thoughts will be able to eliminate the evil. Only studying the Fa a lot and well can enable us to reinforce our righteous thoughts and do well in sending forth righteous thoughts, one of the three things that Master requires each Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples to do well.
Master said in "Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference,"
"When you send righteous thoughts you shouldn't keep reciting the formula. You just need to recite it once and it'll work, except for in special circumstances. If you feel that you can't become tranquil and you readjust your righteous thoughts, that's okay, but still it's just for that moment. Actually, when you can truly be tranquil, one thought is more than enough to shake Heaven and Earth, there's nothing that it can't do, and it's as if it immediately immobilizes and restrains everything covered by your domain; you're like a mountain, and you instantly restrain them. You shouldn't always have an unsteady mind. You can't achieve that when your mind is unsteady."
When sending forth righteous thoughts, make sure that you are completely clearheaded and the strength of the thoughts is powerful
Master said in "Righteous Thoughts,"
"At present, there are still some students who haven't really grasped the essentials of sending righteous thoughts. Some students are in the exact same state as when they do the meditation--even when they're just doing the meditation, some students are in a half-asleep state, are in a state in which their minds aren't alert enough, or are in a state in which they're severely interfered with by stray thoughts--so they can't achieve a very good effect."
In "Righteous Thoughts," Master's instructions on how to send forth righteous thoughts are as follows,
"This is how to do it: (1) You should focus your attention and your effort, your mind has to be absolutely clear and rational, the force of your thoughts needs to be focused and strong, with an air of supremacy and of destroying all evil in the cosmos. (2) The disciples who for the time being aren't able to see other dimensions can focus powerful thoughts in saying the word Mie1 (
) after they finish saying the formula(s). The Mie (
) word needs to be so strong that it's as large as the cosmic body, encompassing everything and leaving out nothing in any dimension. (3) Those disciples who can see the evil beings in other dimensions can handle things according to the situations they are aware of. Their righteous thoughts need to be strong, and they should fully use their wisdom. One righteous thought itself subdues a hundred evil things. (4) Closing your eyes and not closing your eyes both have the same effect when you send righteous thoughts. If you keep your eyes open you need to reach a state where you don't take note of anything you see in the dimension of everyday people."
1 This is the last word in one of the formulas, and means "cleaned out," "eliminated," "purged," etc. It is pronounced "Myeh."
The position and hand gesture for sending forth righteous thoughts
Whether walking, eating, or working, sending forth righteous thoughts can be done in any environment. It doesn't have to be in the sitting meditation, and it can be done with the eyes open or closed. It's not absolutely required to do the hand gestures, but you must concentrate your efforts in your thinking, and make sure your mind is focused, pure and steadfast.
If you want to use the hand gestures during sending forth righteous thoughts, then you must do so according to Master's requirements, and use either the upright palm or the lotus flower palm (see the article "The Two Hand Gestures for Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts" June 12, 2001, which contains pictures of Master demonstrating the gestures). If you add in or create gestures on your own, then it is not an act out of righteous thoughts done by Dafa disciples.
II. Recommended times for Dafa disciples all over the world to send forth righteous thoughts simultaneously
Four set times during each day: 6 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. and midnight Beijing time, as well as 5 a.m., 6 a.m., and 7 a.m. Beijing time each Sunday. (For new students in other areas, please use time zone conversions to determine your local times.)
First cleanse yourself for five minutes each time before sending forth righteous thoughts, and send forth righteous thoughts for at least five minutes.
If there are special circumstances (for example to ensure that no manufacturing safety problems occur during the day at work), it is fine to adjust accordingly on your own (for example participating in the daily global sending forth righteous thoughts once or twice less). But the premise is that you must maintain the state of mind of a Dafa disciple, place a high importance on sending forth righteous thoughts well and doing so persistently, and it would be best to find other times to make up for it.
III. In order to better understand sending forth righteous thoughts and the essentials to sending forth righteous thoughts based on the Fa, please carefully read Master's new articles and reference relevant articles from the Minghui editors:
Master's article "Righteous Thoughts" (October 13, 2002)
Master's article "Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts" (March 16, 2004)
Master's article "The Effect of Righteous Thoughts" (July 16, 2001)
"Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference" (February 28, 2004)
"Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference" (June 22, 2004)
Please also reference relevant articles from the Minghui editors:
"Regarding Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts" November 26, 2001
"The Two Hand Gestures for Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts" June 12, 2001