
Practicing the Falun Gong exercises with Mom at home
Greetings, Great Master!
Greetings, Fellow practitioners!
My name is Cai Pei-jun and I am a young Dafa practitioner. Today, I'd like to share my cultivation experiences with fellow practitioners.
In 1998 when I was only four years old, my father obtained the Fa and I also started practicing Falun Gong with him. When I was four and half years old, I went to different places to hand out introductory materials about Falun Gong. At that time, my mom did not practice Falun Gong. In 2000, my little sister, Cai Pei-en, was born. She was the one who created many chances for me to improve my xinxing. Sometimes, I felt that Mom loved my sister more than she loved me. She never accused little Cai Pei-en of anything but she always criticized me. I felt jealous. Master said in Lecture 7 in Zhuan Falun,
"If jealousy is not abolished, everything that you have cultivated will become fragile. There is this rule: If in the course of cultivation practice jealousy is not given up, one will not attain Right Fruit--absolutely not."
The attachment to jealousy must be eliminated. I listened to Master's teachings and gradually got rid of my jealousy of my little sister.
In 2004, Mom had a serious illness. My sister and I were in panic. At that time, Mom went to see a doctor. The doctor said that Mom's heart valve was not completely closed. My sister and I were afraid that Mom would die. Dad suggested that Mom practice Falun Gong. So Mom began practicing Falun Gong and her illness disappeared. I thank Master for saving my mom! After Mom started practicing cultivation, our family joined other fellow practitioners to clarify the truth. My sister and I can practice all five sets of the Falun Gong exercises. We also sincerely send forth righteous thoughts, to eliminate the evil factors and to help prevent fellow practitioners in the Mainland from being persecuted.
My school work is pretty heavy. Besides, I am also learning to play the piano and the flute, learning English, and practicing calligraphy. Because I'm a young practitioner, I also need to make sure to practice the exercises and study the Fa. Therefore, I have less time to practice calligraphy or practice my musical instruments. However, all of my teachers say that I am learning quite well. Mom said it is because Master opened my wisdom.
A year has quickly passed. On the Lunar New Year of 2005, our entire family went to New York. When Dad joined the waist drum practice, Mom, my sister and me and other fellow practitioners went together to distribute flyers and clarify the truth. We also went to the Associated Press office. Practitioners had very strong righteous thoughts. However, it was very cold there and there were too many evil beings in other dimensions. My sister and I are still young and we were unable to endure the cold weather. So we entered a shop to warm ourselves. We encountered an older lady who had come down from her office to take a break and smoke a cigarette. I then used the English that I knew to tell her how good Falun Dafa is. Later the lady said, "Then it is not good to smoke, right?" I answered, "Correct." She immediately put out her cigarette and threw it away.
In New York, we studied the Fa and practiced the exercises in the morning. We clarified the truth on the streets and we also went to the Chinese Consulate to send forth righteous thoughts. When we distributed flyers on a street corner, I met a Western couple. They were dressed very formally and they looked very nice. I told them about the persecution currently happening in China. Later, I took out my English truth-clarification script and asked them to read it directly. They sincerely expressed that they would try their best to help stop the persecution.
Although we are young practitioners, Master gives us equal amounts of opportunities. We should also make the best use of our time to strive forward. We stayed in New York for two weeks, and I felt reluctant to leave there when it was time to return to Taiwan. When we were about to leave, it became cold again. During the time that we were in New York, the sky was clear. We understood that it is because Master is compassionate and he prevented us little practitioners from getting cold. I thank Master from the bottom of my heart. I will be more diligent after I return to Taiwan.