(Clearwisdom.net) July 20 six years ago, there occurred a genocidal persecution against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in China to the world's astonishment. To mourn fellow practitioners who have died in the persecution of Falun Gong, and to call for an end to the persecution, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners came to the Chinese Embassy in Spain once again to peacefully appeal.
Spain's largest news agency EFE conducted an interview and reported the following:

Falun Gong practitioners call for an end to the persecution
More than twenty people from the Spanish Falun Gong Association and their legal team peacefully protested at the Chinese Embassy in Madrid. They urged that the genocide, persecution and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent people who have a right to freedom of belief in China be stopped.
The organizer said that to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the persecution against Falun Gong was the purpose of the day's gathering. The former president of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, initiated the comprehensive persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the followers of an ancient Chinese spiritual practice, with the policy of defaming their reputations, bankrupting them financially, and destroying them physically.
From the protesters' banners, we saw the following messages. "A Peaceful Practice Persecuted in China," "Genocide and Torture in China," "Genocide: More than Eighty Million People Killed since the CCP's Rule."
The president of the association, Pan Jie, and a Falun Gong practitioner, Shao Jingbiao, both urged the Chinese Embassy to return their passports. They said that the Chinese Embassy had refused to extend their visas because they were Falun Gong practitioners and had threatened them with arrest if they returned to China.
Human rights lawyer Carlos Iglesias told EFE that the group had delivered a letter to the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and had described to him the extent of the persecution in China. They hoped that the Prime Minister would talk with the officials of the Chinese Communist Party and remember that safe-guarding human rights, lives and human dignity should always take precedence over economic benefits.
The photos of the victims of torture told the true story, there were between seventy to one hundred million Chinese persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners told EFE, "In the hundreds of labor camps, practitioners were tortured with electric batons, female practitioners were stripped naked and thrown into male cells to be raped and many were tortured to death."
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200507/27907.html