(Clearwisdom.net) During the last phase of the Fa-rectification period, we, Master’s true disciples, have many Dafa-related projects to do. They are such tasks as preparing materials that clarify the truth, studying the Fa and doing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts and so on. We must have sufficient time to accomplish these things. Often, practitioners make appointments to meet each other for experience sharing, discussions and hammering out detailed work plans. It happens quite frequently that certain practitioners are late and keep others waiting for a long time.
Some of the latecomers think it is no big deal and do not feel remorseful. Some practitioners don’t apologize to others who have anxiously waited for them. Instead, they criticize those practitioners for not having a high xinxing level and lack of patience. They said their being late was meant as a xinxing test for the others who had arrived on time. These inconsiderate ones really should study the Fa deeply and look within. If everyone used this kind of method to test other cultivators, where would that leave the inherent dignity of cultivation? Even common people emphasize politeness and consideration for others and keeping one's promises.
Every practitioner needs to adhere to righteous thoughts and conduct in Falun Dafa cultivation. In addition, we have the duty to continuously raise our level and improve the quality of our behavior. It is crucial to be respectful of and polite to fellow practitioners. We should cherish our own time and should not waste other practitioners' time because of carelessness.
Let us respect others and don’t waste others' precious time. Our grand merciful Master is our role model in this respect. For those who have the opportunity to see this article, please consider this issue seriously.
This is my personal understanding; please kindly point out any shortcomings.