Exposing CCP atrocities in front of Yangmei Railway Station
About 2PM March 26, 2006, the rain that continued for days temporarily stopped. At the busy Yangmei Railway station, a group of Falun Gong practitioners were demonstrating the exercises and displaying pictures and reports on Chinese Communist Party's secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Passengers slowed down their steps. Some were shocked at seeing the "harvest organs from live people to sell for profit" display board and asked what bad deeds CCP did again. A practitioner explained the pictures and reports about the seven-year-long persecution of Falun Gong. The passenger waved his head as he could find any word to describe CCP's atrocity.
One man asked practitioners what is the source of these materials. When he learned that mainland Chinese risked their lives to bring them out and the Falun Gong practitioners volunteered to edit and print the flyers, he said, "It is hard to imagine that a hospital had such a decent appearance actually was murdering people inside it. The communist party is an autocracy. They set up a few model cities attempting to fool the foreigners. But they didn't give any freedom to Chinese people. (CCP) even wants to control what people think and what they believe. It is too evil. No wonder no one likes 'One Country Two Systems'. Look, Hong Kong has failed. CCP can kill its own people; it will treat Taiwanese worse..., your information is valuable, I respect your effort to let the public know the truth."
A practitioner is introducing the Sujiatun Concentration Camp and its
"human organ business"
Many foreign workers also came to watch. One worker can speak Chinese. After he learned the truth, he told his friends how cruel CCP is. Another foreign worker wanted to donate money but practitioners thanked him and declined. A practitioner wanted him to tell other people the matter and help to rescue the Falun Gong practitioners jailed in Sujiatun Concentration Camp.
The day before, a practitioner met the former Director of the Township. The director told him a real case happened in Mainland China. "One person caught flu. A mainland doctor said he needed a whole body anesthesia for some exams. When he woke up, doctor found no problem but he found one kidney was gone." He said that in Mainland China, people only worship money but without basic conscience and morality.
A motorcycle rider is reading the flyer seriously
These days, we hear many stories about Taiwan patients going to Mainland China for organ transplants. They want to extend their lives and spent a lot of money for liver or kidney transplants in China. But the result was just opposite to their expectations. No one knew where the organ was from. It costs about 1 million Taiwan Yuan (USD 33,000). Those lucky ones live one or two years. Some die a few months after the surgery. One died three days after he flew back to Taiwan.
Today, one passenger took a flyer and told practitioners a story of his own. One of his relatives went to Mainland China and spent a lot of money for an organ transplant, but died in a hospital in China. He said he wanted the government to investigate how many Taiwanese were fooled to go to Mainland China who lost money and sometimes their lives.
Near evening, more and more people came and left railway station. Many people took the flyer and read seriously. When more people recognize the CCP's evil nature, it will fade into history.
Category: Rallies & Protests