(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, Canberra practitioners held a 4-day "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" art exhibition at a bustling shopping center in Queanbeyan to clarify the truth to local residents. The city is located on the border between New South Wales and Canberra. After the practitioners clarified the truth the shopping center administration, the shopping center offered the exhibition site for free.

The exhibition site
A reporter taking a photo at the exhibition
Taking this opportunity, practitioners told the public about the recently exposed atrocities of organ harvesting in China. After chatting with the practitioners, many visitors expressed their sincere support and goodwill. Quite a few people studied the paintings and the printed explanations attentively and then asked for more details. Some who were touched by the practitioners' persistent and selfless efforts to end the persecution wanted to donate money to help. (The practitioners politely declined offers of financial help.) There were also people who volunteered to distribute truth clarification materials and write to government officials and elected representatives.
The Queanbeyan Age newspaper dispatched a photographer to the exhibition site. Perhaps due to her busy schedule, the photographer only took a few photos and then left in a hurry. One day later, she called the organizer to ask several questions about the exhibition. The organizer then told her the background of the exhibition and the facts about Falun Gong. The photographer listened to the long introduction with great interest. She was very regretful that she didn't have time to appreciate the artworks more and asked the organizer to let her know when the next exhibition was coming up.