Mar 17, 2007
PARIS--He was supposed to take part in a managers' meeting of his company on March 14 in Angers, France, but Ma Jiang, manager of PCM company's Beijing office, which sells commercial oil pumps, was taken away by police on February 28 in Beijing as he was working.
The police have refused to reveal where he is being held, or for what reason, and all contact or information for his family or company has been refused.
His workmates at PCM said that six plain clothes policemen arriving at the business premises and were alone with Ma Jiang in his office. A secretary recounted that after much aggression and ransacking of the office, the police took away Ma Jiang and a Falun Gong book. The phone line had been torn out and the office was a mess.
Ma Jiang's wife, now in Canada, appealed to the French Association of Falun Gong, the PCM company, and any institution or person able to help free him because his life is in great danger.
The President of the Falun Gong Association of France Mr. Alain Tong said, "In the current context of organ harvesting and widespread torture in China, practitioners of Falun Gong die everyday. We are very worried for Ma Jiang's safety."
As soon as they heard of the incident, PCM took the necessary measures with the French Embassy in China to help free their employee, known to be an "honest, righteous, competent" person who was very much appreciated by his superiors for his human qualities as well as his professional acumen.
The company was told that the Chinese police had 30 days to give an answer but that they could take an 3 additional months, and could hold Ma Jiang incommunicado without trial. The company lawyers discouraged the company from taking any legal action given the absence of rights existing for the victim in this "kind of case".
According to human rights groups, this refers to the extraordinary powers of
the 610 Office that was set up by the communist regime to oversee
the genocide of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Practitioners are held for
months or years without trial, and are denied their own legal advisers.
Lawyers who try to help Falun Gong practitioners often find themselves facing
trumped up charges and are imprisoned themselves.
Ma Jiang's wife will continue to plead for the French government to intercede on her husband's behalf.
Category: Accounts of Persecution