(Clearwisdom.net) From September 17 to 21, Shih Hsin University held its annual Student Organization Expo to welcome new students, and the Falun Gong Club of the university was also invited to participate. During the 5-day event, club members introduced Falun Dafa to many interested students.

Falun Gong exercise demonstration

A student accepts a Falun Gong truth-clarifying flier
During this expo, the practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and distributed many copies of truth-clarifying materials. As more and more students and faculty members wanted to learn about Falun Dafa, the practice has become a common discussion topic on campus. Upon seeing the practitioners' group, some students would shout: "Falun Gong!" "Falun Dafa is Good!" "We have a Falun Gong club at the university!" Clearly, they already knew about Falun Dafa and were happy about the presence of the club. Many students asked about what Falun Dafa is, and some international students also expressed interested in reading Falun Dafa materials.
The Falun Gong Club of Shih Hsin University was established six years ago. Members of the club cultivate diligently according to Master Li's teachings. Through studying Zhuan Falun and practicing the five sets of exercises, they have all experienced significant physical improvement and moral uplifting. The club has organized many events such as Falun Gong seminars, art exhibitions, photo displays and petition drives to rescue young Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China.