(Clearwisdom.net) A twelve-day Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition opened in the art gallery of Pingtung High School accompanied by a musical performance on Sept. 1, 2008. Mr. Li Liangmo, Principal of National Pingtung Senior High School, President Liu Qingzhong of National Pingtung University of Education, Pingtung County Council Member Li Shibin, Xinyi Elementary School Principal Shi Zhujuan, Secretary of Pingtung City Government Wang Wenkui, Representative of Pingtung citizens Chen Meiqiong, Owner of Yiyi Bookstore Zhou Huibin and others attended the opening ceremony.
Mr. Li Liangmo, Principal of National Pingtung Senior High School, hopes Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will take root in his school.

President Liu Qingzhong of National Pingtung University of Education

Pingtung County Council Member Li Shibin
Ms. Chen Meiqiong, representative of Pingtung citizens, saddened by the painting "Homeless".

Saichia Elementary Principal Yang Qiunan
Mr. Li Liangmo gave a welcoming speech as the host of the art exhibition. He said he wanted to encourage students to visit the exhibition and wished the spirit of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance would take root in Pingtung Senior High.
President Liu Qingzhong of National Pingtung University of Education praised the touring art exhibition for promoting the truth of universal values.
Pingtung County Council Member Li Shibin started his speech with "Falun Dafa is great!" He said only great artists could create great artwork. The art exhibition would certainly awake more people in the East and the West and make them cast aside the evil.
Ms. Chen Meiqiong, representative of Pingtung citizens, had heard about the persecution a long time ago. She was touched by three pieces of artwork and deeply saddened by the painting "Homeless", which showed a little girl in tears after losing her family in the persecution.
The exhibition is composed of more than forty pieces of art by a dozen Falun Gong practitioners. Their lively and heart-warming artwork displays splendid realms, both in heaven and on earth. The universal value of their artwork lies in its timeless beauty and inner meaning, which purifies the heart and lifts the spirit.