Geneva Audiences Enthusiastically Welcome the Return of Shen Yun Performing Arts: "Magnificent and Exceptional!" (Photo)

( Much to the delight of an enthusiastic audience, Shen Yun Performing Arts made its 2009 debut to Europe in the Théâtre du Léman in Geneva on Tuesday night.

Mr. Claude Proz, the manager of the theater which has been hosting the New York-based Shen Yun for the past three years, said he would be glad to welcome Shen Yun every year. "It's magnificent, it's a spectacle, and I'm delighted it's coming back and I'll be delighted that's it's showing tomorrow and after tomorrow. I thought it was exceptional!"

Geneva Audiences Praise Shen Yun's Presentation of China's Ancient Culture

( Shen Yun Performing Arts continues to dazzle and astound Geneva audiences for a second night in a row at the Théâtre du Léman.

Mr. Labadi, a real estate agent, praised Shen Yun for its presentation of China's rich and ancient culture. "I find that we don't talk enough about China's past. In the West we see the Egyptian past, we see the Roman past, and we know the modern China, but we don't know the past of China," he said.

Taiwan: Paintings That Awaken People (Photos)

( The International Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition was held in two places at the same time--the Taipower in Pingtung and Chang Gung University in Taoyuan. The exhibitions featured art works by Chinese and Western painters that are Falun Gong practitioners.

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