Today’s Articles — August 14, 2010
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An Open Letter from Mr. Xu Dawei's Wife to Chinese Government Agencies (Graphic Photos)
Name: Xu Dawei (徐大为)
Gender: Male
Age: 34 (born on October 31, 1975)
Address: Ying'emen Town, Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Occupation: Chef employed by a restaurant in Shenyang City
Mr. Tong Langui from Tangshan City, Hebei Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
Name: Tong Langui (佟兰贵)
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Laborer
Date of Death: 2007
Date of Most Recent Arrest: December 19, 2000
Most Recent Place of Detention: Brainwashing center at Tangshan Textile University (唐山纺织大学洗脑班)
Mr. Sun Tienong and Mr. Xu Sheng Sentenced by Acheng Court Officials in Harbin City
( Mr. Sun Tienong and Mr. Xu Sheng were sentenced to prison terms of five years and four years respectively, by officials from Acheng Court in Harbin City on July 7, 2010. An officer from the Harbin City Intermediate Court was sent to Acheng Court to announce the decision. The trial was conducted in secret and the practitioners' families were not informed.
~ Accounts of Persecution ~
~ Solemn Declarations ~
~ People in China Awaken to the Truth ~
~ Voices of Support Worldwide ~
Focus Topics

Self Immolation Hoax
Biggest propaganda stunt of all time, cooked up to make Falun Gong look bad

Deaths Confirmed
The true death count is likely many times higher

Organ Harvesting Crimes
Tens of thousands likely killed for their organs

So-Called "1400 Deaths"
A fundamental mistruth in the false propaganda against Falun Gong

April 25 Peaceful Appeal
The most peaceful protest in history is called a 'siege' by top party brass

Prosecuting Jiang Zemin
Bringing the prime culprit in the persecution to justice

More Basic Truths
A primer on the web of lies upon which the persecution was built

Learn About Falun Dafa
An advanced practice of self-cultivation freely available to all
Recent News
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)