Name: Cui Rong (崔荣)
Gender: Female
Age: 68
Address: Fularji District, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province
Occupation: Former employee at the Fularji District Cable Factory
Date of Death: December 1, 2011
Date of Most Recent Arrest: November 2004
Most Recent Place of Detention: Unknown
City: Qiqihar
Province: Heilongjiang
Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, illegal sentencing, hung up, imprisonment, torture, detention
( Ms. Cui Rong from the Fularji District, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, was employed at the Fularji District Cable Factory where she worked as an educator for many years. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1995 and benefited both physically and mentally. After the persecution started in 1999, she was harassed and persecuted many times. As a result of torture, she became blind in both eyes. She died on December 1, 2011.
When was arrested and detained in 2002, her children went to the detention center to beg her to write a guarantee statement. She refused.

Torture Reenactment: Hung up
In November 2004, practitioners in the Fularji District posted many truth clarification banners in the streets and in parks. Seventeen practitioners were subsequently arrested and tortured by officers from the Fularji District Domestic Security Division led by head Li Ruixin. Some practitioners were taken to a farm in the suburbs and a so-called “mountain resort” where they were abused and tortured for several days. During this time, Ms. Gao Xinglian was tortured to death, Ms. Cui Rong was blinded in both eyes, and Ms. Zhao Yazhen developed symptoms of serious illnesses, and was subsequently released on medical parole.
After being held in the Qiqihar City No.1 Detention Center for one and a half years, 16 practitioners were sentenced to imprisonment. Ms. Yang Shujun was given 12 years in prison; Ms. Li Jiqiu, Mr. Liu Bogang, and Ms. Sha Xiulan were each given seven years; Ms. Wang Shuxin, Zhao Lizhuan, Ms. Zhao Yazhen, and Ms. Cui, each five years.
Ms. Cui was unable to take care of herself because of her blindness. When she was released from prison in 2006, she lived a hard and difficult life.
Category: Deaths