Today’s Articles
- ▪ Utah: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Moves Students and Faculty
- ▪ Thirty-nine-year-old Pharmacist Hu Dali Died as a Result of Torture and Abuse at Dujun City Fourth Prison, Guizhou Province
- ▪ Middle School Teacher Suffers Solitary Confinement and Electric Shock in Shiling Prison, Siping City
- ▪ Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Yuren Exposes Atrocities at Liaoyang's Huazi Prison
- ▪ Han Weixin Persecuted for Seven Years
- ▪ After the Harassment and Illegal Arrest of Mr. Zhang Feng Was Exposed, the Authorities Take Revenge on Mr. Zhang and His Wife
- ▪ Twelve Sentences in One Year and Three Changes in Ruling in Ten Days
- ▪ Additional Persecution News from China – January 9, 2011 (14 Reports)
- ▪ 43 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong
- ▪ Gentleman in his Eighties: “I Want to Contribute to Falun Dafa”
- ▪ Personal View: Eliminating the Persecution Before It Manifests Is Itself a Truly Divine Occurrence in the Human World
- ▪ Spirit Uplifted Because of Falun Dafa
- ▪ Digging Out My Fundamental Attachment and Finally Becoming Serious about Cultivation
- ▪ How We Resisted an Illegal Mass Arrest
- ▪ The Old Forces Lie in Our Unknowing Selves
February 08, 2011