Toronto, Canada: Divine Land Marching Band Participates for the First Time in the Greek Community Parade (Photos)

( The annual Greek Independence Day Parade held on March 27, 2011 in Toronto attracted more than 20,000 spectators. The Divine Land Marching Band, composed of more than 80 Falun Gong practitioners, participated for the first time in this event. Their bright uniforms and resounding performance stood out during the parade. Spectators along the parade route gave them enthusiastic applause and the organizers highly praised them.

High School Teacher Shocked with Electric Baton and Beaten

Name: Zuo Xianfeng (左仙凤)

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Address: Unknown

Occupation: Teacher at Sandaogang Township High School, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province

Date of Most Recent Arrest: April 8, 2009

Most Recent Place of Detention: Qianjin Forced Labor Camp, Harbin City (哈尔滨市前进劳教所)

Evil Crimes Obscured by Claims of a “Special Situation”

( The Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom) published two articles in the column “Persecution News” that both mentioned the term “special situation.” This is worth serious review.

Ms. Xu Guixia

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