(Clearwisdom.net) If you pass through Chinatown in Montreal, every day you will see see several ladies passing out Falun Gong informational materials. They greet Chinese people with a smile and ask them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to be safe, give them a copy of the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and help them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. They greet westerners with beginner French and collect signatures calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
If you come to Chinatown early in the morning or late in the day, you will see elderly ladies over seventy carrying heavy supplies here to set up a booth. They seem to never feel tired. What gives them such super energy? Why are they able to be so dedicated?

Mrs. Bu came to Canada in 2006. She had been illegally detained and thrown into a labor camp for 16 months in China for practicing Falun Gong. In the labor camp, she was beaten, shocked with electric batons, force-fed, handcuffed, shackled, and forced to stand facing a wall for extended periods of time. Thanks to her son's great effort, she was able to visit him in Canada after she was released from the labor camp. Three days after she arrived in Canada, she heard that the Chinese police attempted to arrest her again.
Mrs. Bu goes to Chinatown to expose the persecution every day. She said, “I have finally come to Canada, a free society where I can practice Falun Gong. But thousands upon thousands of fellow Falun Gong practitioners in China don't have that freedom. Instead, they are imprisoned and tortured. Some have died from persecution. The lies of the CCP have poisoned the minds of many Chinese people in China and overseas. I want to tell the world the true story. Falun Gong follows Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Jiang Zemin persecutes Falun Gong out of his jealousy...I don't feel it is hard to be persistent in truth-clarification. When thinking about how my fellow practitioners in China risk their lives to clarify the facts of Falun Gong, what I'm doing is nothing.”
Some people don't understand Falun Gong practitioners and curse them. Ms. Bu said, “They have been poisoned by the CCP's brainwashing propaganda. I'm not bothered. I will tell them the true story with compassion and a kind smile. Even if they don't understand now, they will some day. I will continue my work as long as I can because it is so important for them to know the true story of Falun Gong and that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are good.”
Mrs. Yu came to Canada in 2004. She and her husband began practicing in China in 1996 and regained their health. Because of the CCP's persecution, her husband, who was a government official at the bureau level, gave up practicing Falun Gong under pressure. He eventually got Alzheimer's dementia and died from a cerebral hemorrhage. On the contrary, Mrs. Yu has been practicing Falun Gong and still feels as energetic as a young person. She distributes flyers in Chinatown and does the Falun Gong exercises every day. When mentioning her husband, Mrs. Yu said in tears, “The CCP and Jiang Zemin caused my husband's death.”
Recounting the early days, Mrs. Yu said, “The first time I watched Master's lecture video, I suddenly remembered I had a dream a month before about watching this lecture in the auditorium of my company. I later asked my colleague and miraculously found out that Master's lecture was indeed played in the auditorium on that day. After watching the first lecture, the problem in my leg was gone. My leg bone had been nailed together. It took more than an hour for me to walk to the auditorium with my husband's support that day. But after the lecture, I stood up and walked ahead of husband as if there were nothing wrong with my leg. I used to have heart disease, fatty liver, osteoporosis, chronic bronchitis, cerebral arteriosclerosis and cerebral vasospasm. They were all cured by practicing Falun Gong. Having witnessed my changes, my husband started cultivation too. He used to stay in the hospital six month out of every year, but didn't need treatment after he started practicing Falun Gong. All his diseases were gone.”
After the persecution was launched in 1999, Mrs. Yu's husband gave up practicing under pressure. But Mrs. Yu wouldn't give up even though she was detained, monitored and harassed by police and leaders of her company. Her son's job was also threatened. Her company leader threatened to not give any bonus to anyone in her company so that everyone would hate her. Facing all these threats and tests, Mrs. Yu chose to continue her cultivation and tore up the guarantee letter written by her son on her behalf. She was forced to leave home. She went to another city and continued to distribute truth-clarification materials. Eventually she came to Canada with her son's help.

Like the other ladies, Mrs. Chen regained her health after she started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. She said, “I was thrilled to find the treasure of good health. I felt energetic every day. I studied the Fa carefully and continued to improve my understanding. I realized the value of improving my xinxing. I let go of fortune and fame and put others ahead of myself. But the brutal persecution began in 1999. My life was turned up side down. I was arrested and thrown into a labor camp for four years for distributing flyers. There I suffered torture and humiliation and learned how valuable freedom is.” Mrs. Chen treasures the opportunity to tell people the true story of Falun Gong and hopes more people will benefit from it like her.
Mrs. Chen said, “What I have experienced left a deep scar on my life. I have freedom now. But thousands and thousands of fellow practitioners in China are still under persecution. I have experienced their pain. The disintegration of the CCP is the only way to rescue my fellow practitioners: stop the persecution and save the people!”