(Minghui.org) Ms. Cong Yingri (丛迎日) was incarcerated in Liaoning Woman's Prison for refusing to give up her belief in Falun Gong. After being tortured for a year, she fell and shattered a bone in her leg. She wasn't hospitalized until two days later. Before she recovered, the prison authorities made her to do forced labor. She was crippled when she was released months later.
Ms. Cong Yingri, Ms. Wei Zhihong (魏至红), and Ms. Xu Changlan (徐长兰) were handing out Falun Gong informational DVDs on April 19, 2012. Officers from Paoya Police illegally arrested and detained them. They were secretly sentenced to three years in prison for practicing Falun Gong and transferred to Liaoning Woman's Prison on March 19, 2013. Their families, who were never notified of the trial, only found out when they demanded to see them at the police station.
To pressure Ms. Cong to renounce Falun Gong, the prison guards withheld food, wouldn't let her use the toilet, deprived her of sleep, and kept her in isolation. They once left her standing for four days without sleep. They also instigated other prisoners to pour cold water over her. It was March, and she was freezing. Her lower abdomen and legs swelled terribly.
Torture illustration: Doused with cold water on a cold day
Ms. Cong became very weak after a year of torture. She fell when she was forced to work on May 5, 2014. The guards ignored her broken leg for two days. She was taken to the Shenyang No. 739 Hospital and diagnosed with comminuted fractures of her left femur. The prison authorities forced her daughter to pay for the surgery and the hospital stay, which cost about 27,000 yuan (US$4,300).
The doctor gave orders that Ms. Cong was not to do any physical labor for six months after the surgery. The prison authorities transferred her back to the prison hospital and, in just four months, had her working again.
On October 18, 2014, the once healthy and active Ms. Cong hobbled out of the prison on crutches.