Falun Dafa Practitioners in The Greater Philadelphia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Cincinnati Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Global Telephone Truth-Clarification Project Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Greetings to Master were also received from:
• practitioners in Tennessee• practitioners in Connecticut• a practitioner's family of four in Upstate New York• a practitioner's family of three from Zhangjiakou City, China who lives in San Francisco and their relatives in China• a practitioner and his family in New York• practitioners in the Central Indiana• a practitioner's family of three in Indiana• practitioners in Las Vegas• practitioners in Rhode Island• a practitioner in New York
Falun Dafa Practitioners Who Graduated from Tsinghua University in China and Live Abroad Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!