(Minghui.org) Two lawyers from Heilongjiang Province are preparing a suit against local officials for illegally detaining and prosecuting their clients.
The defendants, Mr. Zheng Guanglin and Mr. Li Yongsheng, are from Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province. They have been held in a detention center for two months for producing and distributing Falun Gong informational materials.
Mr. Zheng Guanglin
Mr. Li Yongsheng
The lawyers, Mr. Li Chunfu and Mr. Feng Yanqiang, demanded the immediate release of their clients since there is no law on the books saying that practicing Falun Gong in China is illegal, and their clients are innocent of any crime. The authorities ignored their demand.
The prosecutor approved the arrests and notified the families, who refused to sign the notification. The case was returned to the Muleng City Police Department for further investigation.
Lawyers Mr. Li Chunfu and Mr. Feng Yanqiang outside the Muleng City Detention Center
Convicting Innocent People
Mr. Zheng's lawyer Mr. Li Chunfu and Mr. Li's lawyer Mr. Feng Yanqiang met with their clients on May 12, 2015, in the detention center.
After the meeting they proceeded to the local police department and the Domestic Security Division, the agencies that carried out the arrests. They were told to return the next morning, because those in charge were out of the office.
Cui Xinguo, a police officer from the Domestic Security Division, met with the attorneys the next day, but the officers responsible for the arrests did not show up.
The lawyers told Cui that their clients' practice of Falun Gong is not in violation of existing Chinese law.
Cui claimed that Mr. Li was "employed by Falun Gong" and would face a heavy sentence. The police also claimed they had “sufficient evidence” to convict Mr. Zheng.
The lawyers asked to talk with the officers in charge but were not allowed to because they were "too busy."
Attorneys Mr. Li Chunfu and Mr. Feng Yanqiang outside the Muleng City Procuratorate
They then asked to meet with Qian Yuhuan, the prosecutor from the Muleng City Procuratorate, who issued the arrest warrant. She declined to meet but spoke to them over the phone. She said she had already issued the arrest warrant and could not repeal her decision.
Because the lawyers question the legality of the arrest, detention, and prosecution, they are suing the parties involved.
For details about Mr. Zheng and Mr. Li, please see: Two Falun Gong Practitioners Unlawfully Detained
Parties Involved in Persecuting Mr. Zheng and Mr. Li:
Sun Yajun, (孙雅君), female, chief of the Muleng City Domestic Security Division, responsible for the arrests of many Falun Gong practitioners: +86-13945376898 (Mobile), +86-453-3186376 (Office), +86-453-3186330(Home)Li Yanchun (李艳春), director of the Muleng City Domestic Security Division, actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners: +86-13945320989 (Mobile), +86-453-3186375 (Office)Cui Xingguo (崔兴国), director of the Muleng City Domestic Security Division, actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners: +86-13766639696, +86-453-3186375 (Office)Qian Yuhuan (千玉环), prosecutor of the Muleng City Procuratorate: +86-13634637988 (Mobile), +86-453-3134902 (Office)Li Xiaoguang (李晓光), secretary of Muleng City Political and Law Affair Committee: +86-453-3136399 (Office), +86-13845332815 (Mobile)Wang Jifeng (王吉峰), chief of Bamiantong 1st Police Station, Muleng City: +86- 15945721818 (Mobile)Meng Yingxia(梦颖侠), chief of Muleng City Police Department: +86-453-3186399 (Office)