(Minghui.org) I wanted to buy an electric tricycle to allow me to more easily travel to mountain villages to distribute truth-clarification materials, but I didn't have enough money.
Fellow practitioners had given me money to buy supplies for a material production site. Thinking I would replace the money as soon as I received my work bonus, I used it to buy an electric tricycle.
Two days after I bought the tricycle, a fellow practitioner and I drove to a village. I suddenly lost consciousness and fell.
After I woke up, my wife told me that the practitioner and his son brought me home and that I had been unconscious for more than 2 hours.
While I was unconscious our neighbor called an ambulance. When it arrived I refused to go to hospital so we paid the ambulance fee and let it go.
My face was bruised and covered with blood and I could hardly move. The other practitioner's third eye was open. He told my wife that he saw several figures put my body in a cart and take it away.
My arms and legs were in great pain and I couldn't remember anything. But I knew Master protected me and saved my life.
Within ten days, I could get up and walk on my own. In two and a half weeks, I could move without pain.
However, nineteen days after the accident, I began to feel pain in my back. I sensed it was related to my misappropriation of funds but I still told myself that I would pay the money back as soon as I received a bonus.
The following day, the pain grew so severe that I wept. My wife reminded me to look inward to find the cause. I finally told her that I used the money for the material site to buy the tricycle.
We decided to pay the money back immediately. The next day, we gave the local coordinator the money and asked him to put it into the fund. My back pain disappeared immediately.
I understood that the old forces used my misappropriation of the money to persecute me, but benevolent Master saved me when I fell from the tricycle.
Thank you Master for saving me again! I promise to do the three things better from now on.
To my fellow practitioners, I sincerely apologize that I wrongly misappropriated the money given me for a Dafa project. I hope you can learn from my mistake!