(Minghui.org) In the last two weeks, besides holding all kinds of activities marking the 19th year of the persecution in China, Falun Gong practitioners in Europe also participated in many local community events, introducing this cultivation practice to the public and promoting the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
This report covers five events in Russia, Bulgaria, Austria, and Finland.
Sochi, Russia
Russian practitioners participated in the health expo “Today and Tomorrow's Medicine” in Sochi from July 12 to 14, where they held a free exercise instruction class.
Demonstrating the exercises at the health expo
Telling visitors about Falun Gong
Many visitors were glad to have a chance to learn the exercises.
One of them said, “I like the gentle and beautiful movements. I will come back and do the exercises with you.”
Another visitor said she was surprised to find a Chinese meditation practice at the expo. After learning the exercises, she said, “I felt energized and my whole body felt lighter.”
Isabella Moshanskaya, a doctor of philosophy and an author, had heard about Falun Gong five years ago at a Falun Gong art exhibition in Kislovodsk. “I often saw Falun Gong practitioners in Kislovodsk. They are happy and full of sunshine,” she said, “I've read Falun Gong books. It is great. You can meditate on busy streets, bringing peace and harmony to the most noisy places. Thank you for coming to Sochi.”
Pskov, Russia
For the third time, Russia practitioners participated in the “City Day” at the Children's Park in Pskov on July 21 and 22.
Talking to tourists about Falun Gong
Teaching children how to fold paper lotus flowers and telling the parents about Falun Gong
Demonstrating the exercises
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Bulgarian practitioners held an “Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren” (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) Exhibition at the public library in Stara Zagora from July 19 to 27.
A local artist highly praised the artworks, which are all painted by Falun Gong practitioners. He commented in the guest book, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will save the world.”
Explaining the artworks to visitors
One couple stayed at each painting for a long time and listened to the stories behind them. They were appalled by the brutality of the persecution, and strongly condemned this human rights crisis.
Graz, Austria
In the last three weeks, the City of Graz held two “Park Festivals” featuring booths by many local groups, including the Falun Gong group.
One of the highlights at the practitioners' booth was teaching children the exercises. Both parents and kids enjoyed the peacefulness of the practice.
Children learning the exercises
Booth visitor asks for information about upcoming Falun Gong classes and events.
Demonstrating the exercises at the Augarten Park
Pori, Finland
The SuomiAreena is the largest public debate forum in Finland. This year, the forum was held in Pori from July 16 to 20. More than 76,000 people attended. Local Falun Gong practitioners took this chance to introduce the practice to the public.
Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, and had a chance to talk about Falun Gong and the persecution in China on MTV Internet TV.
A practitioner (left) is talking to two visitors about Falun Gong.
Teaching the exercises at the booth
Three sisters were glad to learn the exercises. They are holding the paper lotus flower, hand-made by practitioners, which is symbol for purity in Chinese culture.
Chinese versions available at:http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2018/7/23/保加利亚艺术家-善良将拯救世界(图)-371466.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2018/7/20/奥地利法轮大法学员在古城格拉茨讲真相(图)-371314.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2018/7/25/俄罗斯普斯科夫市城市日-民众欢迎法轮功(图)-371573.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2018/7/27/芬兰法轮功学员参加政客社交对话活动(图)-371699.html