Practitioners in Switzerland Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

In order to present our Mid-Autumn Festival greetings to Master, Dafa practitioners in Switzerland climbed up to Himmelsleiterli (“Ladder to Heaven”) in Lenzburg, to extend our best wishes to Master. Lenzburg is also a place where practitioners have regular group Fa study and experience sharing.
Practitioners in Hong Kong Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Practitioners in Seoul, South Korea Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Practitioners in Malaysia Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Practitioners in Malaysia who participated in nation-wide group Fa study wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Practitioners in Sound of Hope Radio Station Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Practitioners in Changchun City, Jilin Province Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!