(Minghui.org) May 13, 2020, is the 21st World Falun Dafa Day and the 28th anniversary of the public introduction. Falun Dafa is now practiced in over 100 countries by more than one hundred million people worldwide.
Mayor Don Scott of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Alberta sent a letter offering greetings to mark Falun Dafa Day.
Mayor Don Scott of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
Message from Mayor Scott
“Based on the fundamental principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, Falun Dafa reminds us all of the deep connection between our mental and physical well-being,” Mayor Scott stated in his message.
“Through your practice, you promote harmony and tolerance and inspire others to strive for peace in their own lives.”
“Thank you for your commitment to these values and for sharing this important message far and wide. On behalf of the residents of Wood Buffalo, I would like to wish you a wonderful Falun Dafa Day celebration.”