(Minghui.org) May 13 was the 21st World Falun Dafa Day and the 28th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public. Offered by House Representative Jason Chipman, District 120, the Missouri House of Representatives issued a courtesy resolution to the Falun Dafa Association of Missouri in recognition of the 28th anniversary of Mr. Li Hongzhi’s introduction of Falun Dafa to the public.
“The members of the Missouri House of Representatives feel it is altogether right and proper to pause from time to time to observe the efforts of health-related organizations,” stated the resolution.
The resolution offered well wishes for the occasion, stating, “we, the Members of the Missouri House of Representatives One Hundredth General Assembly, join to applaud the history and accomplishments associated with the Missouri Falun Dafa Association and convey to all of those involved this legislative body's most heartfelt best wishes as they celebrated World Falun Dafa Day and the Twenty-eighth Anniversary of the public introduction of Falun Dafa on May 13, 2020.”
Category: Dafa Day Recognition