(Minghui.org) Jiang Zemin became the top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader in 1989 for his role in suppressing the student democratic movement. With a slogan of “amassing wealth while keeping a low profile,” he turned the country into a land of corruption with hardly any officials who could resist taking bribes. By targeting Falun Gong and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, he further plunged the Chinese nation into a moral abyss of Falsehood, Evil, and Class Struggle.
China's society and its citizens still suffer from the aftermath of Jiang’s rule. Many wonder whether Jiang can get off the hook for his misdeeds as easily as with his death alone. He passed on November 30, 2022.
Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed that “good and evil will be rewarded accordingly.” We’d like to talk about the consequences that Jiang faced while still alive and now faces in the netherworld.
CCP authorities announced Jiang’s death on November 30 and many Chinese citizens were relieved. Some even celebrated with fireworks. They were glad such a notorious dictator was finally gone. Interestingly, both Chinese netizens and overseas news media referred to Jiang as a toad, a derogatory term that started when Jiang was Party Secretary of Shanghai (1987 – 1989).
The Real Story of China’s Jiang Zemin, a book published when Jiang was still in power, explained Jiang’s connection with the toad, his treason (both he and his father were traitors), fraudulence (fake CCP membership, false claims of adoption by his uncle, a CCP member), and dirty stories with several women. Few communist leaders were exposed to the public this way when they were still in power.
After he ordered the persecution of Falun Gong, a peaceful meditation system that improves mind and body, in July 1999, Jiang began having frequent nightmares.
He feared going to hell, knowing his unpardonable sin against innocent Falun Gong practitioners who just wanted to be better citizens. As a result, he hand-copied Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra at home and spent a fortune asking lamas to pray for him. Because of these sinister deeds, he was sometimes referred to as Jiang gui (ghost Jiang) according to folklore.
Yazhou Zhoukan (a Chinese-language international affairs newsweekly) reported that Jiang once visited Zhantanlin Temple in Anhui Province in June 2004, praying for protection from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Jiang started the trip on June 4 and he could not wait to arrive at Jiuhua Mountain where the temple is located. He told aides that he had a horrifying dream the day before in which he was suffering in the Avici Hell.
Avici Hell (or Incessant Hell) is the lowest level of hell, and it was well described in The Real Story of China’s Jiang Zemin. “The word ‘incessant’ refers to never-ending punishment in hell. There are five ‘incessants’: first, incessant time, which means non-stop, around-the-clock suffering; second, incessant space, which means every inch of the body is subjected to torture, leaving no spot untouched; third, incessant torture apparatuses, which means different implements of punishment are employed without end; fourthly, incessant status, which means all are tortured equally, irrespective of gender or social status in one’s previous lives; and fifthly, incessant state, which means the condemned are ceaselessly in a state of dying from suffering, only to keep regaining consciousness and continue suffering,” wrote the book. “There is no end to the suffering that the condemned go through in the process of destruction, layer by layer. Nothing in this entire cosmos is more horrific.”
Similarly, information from Zhantanlin Temple also described details based on words from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. In hell, “guards would use hundreds of hot red iron nails to nail in the bones, where flames would come out and burn the entire body. There was also torture in the snow mountain where the freezing wind blows hard until the skin and flesh crack. In addition, one could be thrown from up high down on trees of knives and swords, where the entire body would be smashed to pieces,” wrote the text, “One would rather die at that moment, which is not possible. Furthermore, these punishments happen again and again nonstop. It is terrifying.”
There is a Chinese saying of “good is rewarded with good, and evil meets evil.” Everyone has the choice to do good or bad deeds and will face corresponding consequences.