(Minghui.org) For more than two decades, practitioners in China and overseas have been explaining the facts about Falun Dafa through various methods so that people are not deceived by the propaganda spread by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Zhou Juean, who is in his thirties and currently living in Australia, is a Falun Dafa practitioner who has been actively involved in clarifying the facts to people.
Like other practitioners, he began making phone calls to China during the past three years. Many Chinese citizens told him they know practitioners are trustworthy and thank them for spreading the truth all these years, thereby helping more people realize they have been deceived by the CCP’s propaganda. The following is a compilation of those who expressed their support for Falun Dafa.
Practitioners are the Most Reliable People
Mr. Jin from Fujian told Juean he’s met all kind of people. In the past two decades, he’s met many Falun Dafa practitioners, and they are the ones he finds most reliable. He said, “Although I don’t practice Falun Dafa, I saw the traditional virtues in them. They are kind people, and the persecution has been hard on them.
“I feel I can trust Falun Dafa practitioners. First, they will not harm others. Second, they are kindhearted.” He said he did not see any of the common vices most people have in Falun Dafa practitioners. “Indeed, all of them are good people.”
I Admire Falun Dafa Practitioners
Mr. Zhang from Beijing is a Christian. He told Juean he realized many years ago that the CCP was fabricating lies in the persecution of Falun Dafa. “I admire and respect you practitioners from the bottom of my heart. Many of you live overseas and I would completely understand if you chose not to care about what is happening in China. Yet you voluntarily help people in China break through the Internet censorship to obtain the truth. You are selfless, upright, and noble.”
He said he considered it most important for one to understand the truth, “What is the point of living if one does not know the truth? I have recently been thinking of the meaning of life. If one does not have freedom of thought, the most basic human right, what purpose is there in life? One has to die someday, and without this freedom, one might as well be as good as dead!”
He encouraged practitioners to continue to spread the truth. “The truth you spread to others is the most important thing in life. You must keep on going! It is the most sacred thing to do in China in light of the current situation there.”
He felt that what people in China have been going through in recent years has helped them wake up. “I think more and more people are aware of the CCP’s tyranny. Therefore you must persevere!”
One Cannot Underestimate the Power of the Truth
Mr. Li from Shandong is another Chinese national who realized that Falun Dafa is unlike what the CCP propaganda states. He often asks Juean for information. He said he used to believe the CCP’s mouthpiece but woke up after he read a lot of evidence and historical facts. He in turn shared what he learned with others.
He praised practitioners for their efforts in spreading the truth, “I think what you are doing is great. It is a good deed that will accumulate a lot of virtue. The materials you hand out are excellent, of great variety, and suit the tastes of people from different social classes. You should not underestimate it’s power or influence. It is quite far reaching. The truth you spread can change the notions people have for a life time. Once a person changes his thinking, he will influence those around him.
“I used to idolize Mao due to the education I received as a child. During the pandemic I was stuck at home due to the lockdowns. A friend told me about materials that clarified the truth and pieced things together with what is happening around us. It got me thinking. Now, I read this information every day and then pass it on to friends as well as relatives around me.
“From high ranking officials to ordinary citizens, everyone needs to learn the truth. Through continued exposure to the facts, stubborn notions in peoples’ minds will slowly dissolve. Plus what they hear and see around them will help them wake up easily.”
Mr. Li said he thinks that what the CCP is most afraid of is people learning the truth. “Why is it that they impose such strict controls on speech now? Because people who have a conscience will step out to voice the truth, and this is what a dictator like the CCP is terrified of. Hence it must suppress all the facts. The freedom of speech stipulated in China’s constitution is fake.”
One is Truly Fortunate to Read Zhuan Falun
Ms. He from Hunan is a yoga enthusiast. She is also keen to seek out the truth. After reading a lot about Falun Dafa, she often passed on the information to family members. They gradually changed their attitudes and agreed with what she told them.
Ms. He’s greatest wish is to practice Falun Dafa. With the help of Juean, she obtained the main book of the teachings Zhuan Falunand quickly read it from cover to cover.
She said, “I am very interested in Falun Dafa. I read many international news stories that talked about Falun Dafa and how it is persecuted by the CCP. It made me respect Falun Dafa.”
She said she’s wanted to read Zhuan Falun for a long time. “I think I am really fortunate to be able to read the book finally. I am overjoyed! I read it carefully after receiving the book. It looks rather simple but the principles in it are very profound. I have been reading it in the past few days and could not put it down.”
After reading the book, she was able to sit in the full lotus position. She was unable to do so previously despite practicing yoga for many years. “When I read up to lecture seven in the book, I was able to sit in the full lotus position. What a miracle! I began reading the book while sitting in this position. My legs hurt in the beginning but when I focused my attention on what I was reading, I forgot about the pain and sat for a long time!”
Background: What is Falun Dafa?
Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) was first introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in Changchun, China, in 1992. The spiritual discipline is now practiced in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Millions of people who have embraced the teachings, which are based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and have learned the five exercises, have experienced improved health and well-being.
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