(Minghui.org) I am 71 years old. I live in the countryside and did not receive much education. I practiced in Taoism for more than ten years before I took up the practice of Falun Dafa in 1997. Even though I was a chosen disciple in the school of Taoism, my teacher only taught me some petty tricks.
My elderly father became ill in January 1997. My younger brother and I both took care of him. My brother was unhealthy for years and had to take medication all year long.
I noticed one day that he was reading a book in deep concentration.
“What book are you reading?” I asked curiously.
It was Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. Later I read a few pages and was convinced that it was very good. As I kept reading, my lower abdomen became warm, and my whole body was comfortable.
I never had such a feeling before, even though I practiced Taoism for years.
“Falun Dafa is a true cultivation practice,” I said to my brother, “I will practice Falun Dafa, too.”
From a Taoist disciple to a practitioner in a Buddha school, the first big test I encountered was the issue of “no second cultivation way.”
I was convinced that Falun Dafa is good I wanted to tell my Taoist master about it and walked nearly 25 miles to go see him.
He was living deep in a mountain that was covered with thick pines. The temple was hidden among green pines and cypresses.
I found my teacher and told him why I came and showed him the book Zhuan Falun. He took a look and said, “Okay,” but looked rather unhappy.
After I returned home, he asked a Taoist friend of mine to give me the message: “Do not learn Dafa.” He also told others several times to stop me from practicing Dafa.
However, with the guidance of the Fa principles and the Dafa Master’s gracious compassion, as well as the help of fellow practitioners, I started practicing Falun Dafa with firm determination. I burned the Taoist books I had and felt happy from the bottom of my heart, as I had found a true Master and was on the path to return to my true home.
During more than 20 years of cultivation in Dafa, Master has been watching over me all the time, enlightening me, purifying my body, and elevating the realm of my innermost thoughts.
I would like to share a few miraculous incidents that happened to me and my family after I took up Dafa cultivation.
I am a shepherd in the mountains dozens of miles away from home. One day a number of my sheep were lost. I went over mountains and ridges to look for them, from village to village. The day was over, but I wasn’t tired and felt as if I were floating as I walked.
When I got back and told the other shepherds where I went, they were surprised and couldn’t believe I had walked over 60 miles, and showed no sign of fatigue. It was truly extraordinary!
I had a rather impatient temperament in the past. After I took up the practice, I often heard a voice saying to me, “When it’s hard to endure, you can endure.” I know it’s our Master who was encouraging me. Master also purified my body and mind and inspired me to improve in cultivation quickly.
I haven’t taken any medication in the last twenty years. I would tell everyone I meet, “Falun Dafa is here to save people. Do not believe the propaganda and slander by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) against Falun Dafa.”
One day in the spring of 2016, while loading grass onto a four-wheeler, I accidentally fell off. My son and other relatives rushed me to the hospital. An X-ray indicated that four of my ribs were broken. Members of my family insisted that I should stay in the hospital for treatment, and doctors said that I would need to be hospitalized for at least a month.
I stayed there for three days and had no injections or medicine. I went home to study the Fa and do the exercises. I was already able to work after six days. Neighbors asked me in great surprise, “How did you get better so quickly?”
Having witnessed how I recovered so quickly through practicing Falun Dafa, my wife took up the practice as well. As she is illiterate, she listened to Master’s Fa lectures. My wife also had a miraculous experience.
She used to have discomfort in her lower abdomen. A checkup in the hospital indicated that she had a tumor. A few months after she started practicing Falun Dafa, the tumor disappeared without any treatment.
We were overjoyed and felt extremely grateful to our compassionate Master! We always tell people that Falun Dafa is good and the miraculous experiences we have had.
My wife also had two life-death tests. One day in 1998, my family members were trying to strengthen a flood dam. We had difficulty moving a huge rock that weighed about two tons. I tied the rock with a steel wire rope and used two four-wheelers to pull it forward, while my wife tried to pry the rock from behind with a steel rod.
Suddenly, the wire rope broke. The big rock rolled back, and the steel rod my wife was using to pry the rock pressed against her thigh under the weight of the rock. Everyone present was shocked, thinking that her leg must have been crushed and broken. Indeed, the steel rod had pressed into her thigh, and her thigh turned black. I helped her up, but she could not walk due to great pain. She said calmly, “I’m okay.”
One night soon after, while my wife was half asleep, she felt that her injured thigh was being washed with water, and some form of liquid was pouring out. The next day, her leg was healed! We both realized that a large chunk of her karma was removed with the help and protection of our Master.
One day in 2000, while I was trying to load a large metal container that could hold two cubic meters of water, onto a four-wheeler, the support system suddenly broke and hit my wife on the head. She fell to the ground and lost consciousness.
I rushed her to the hospital, and the test results showed that she had blood in her brain. My wife did not stay in the hospital, choosing to go home instead. She kept studying the Fa and doing the exercises, and soon she was back to normal. Our revered Master saved her again!
During more than 20 years of cultivation, Master has protected us all along. Thank you Master for your immense compassion, which we will never be able to repay. We are determined to cultivate ourselves well in Dafa and do our best in clarifying the truth to save more people.
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