(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in September 1996. However, I wouldn’t have come this far without Master Li’s (Dafa’s founder) benevolent protection.
When former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin initiated the persecution on July 20, 1999, I joined other practitioners in clarifying the facts about Falun Dafa. From 2000 to 2009, we handed out brochures to every household in our area, covering most of them three to five times. We also distributed materials in remote villages.
Another practitioner and I took the bus to a village 15 miles away. I also brought along my bicycle. After we reached the destination, I rode the bicycle while she sat in the back. We traveled for six miles to hand out brochures.
By the time we finished, it was almost 2 p.m. We then rode the bicycle 15 miles back home under the scorching sun. It was 5 p.m. by the time we returned. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., we didn’t even stop to drink water. Even though I was thirsty, hungry, tired, and sunburned, I was very happy.
We also delivered “gift bags” to different police stations. They included the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, truth-clarification brochures, DVDs, relevant legal documents, and copies of Minghui Weekly. We even delivered them during the Moon Festival and New Year. We’ve done this for six years.
Clarifying the Facts in Person
In 2009, I began to go alone to households to clarify the facts. My xinxing gradually improved, my fear dissipated, and my compassion expanded.
In the winter of 2011, another practitioner and I also reached out to people door-to-door. One homeowner used to be a village CCP Committee Secretary. As soon as he heard us mention Falun Dafa, he said, “The three of us are all Party members. You are against the Party. The information you’ve displayed on the utility poles throughout the village is all anti-CCP.”
I smiled and replied, “We came here to tell you the true situation about the persecution. We won’t force you to believe what we say.
“During the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen Square protests, college students were against corruption. The CCP massacred those innocent children. Was what the CCP did correct? It’s common knowledge that the CCP is corrupt. There are so many fake goods nowadays. Even the water is polluted!
“In 1957, the CCP invited intellectuals to voice their opinions and engage in critical discussions. Those truthful, honest patriots who spoke from the heart became rightists overnight! Over 500,000 people voiced their opinions.
“We all lived through the three-year famine that began in 1959 when 30 million people starved to death. The 10-year Cultural Revolution in the 1960s incited the Chinese to fight against each other. Even family members turned against one another!
“The CCP now persecutes Falun Dafa, which is a Buddha-Law cultivation practice. It guides us to be good people by following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. This is about personal belief. We’re not against the Chinese Constitution, which also stipulates freedom of belief. Practitioners risk their lives to post information in public places. They do this to save you!
“Life is short, and the CCP is about to disintegrate. But if you’re still part of it, aren’t you in danger? Only because I believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance do I dare to speak up. I’m here to tell you the truth. It’s up to you to decide. I won’t force you.”
The homeowner replied, “Sure! Sure! Sure! Whatever you say, we’ll listen!” I told them they could quit the Party organizations they joined by using their real name, a nickname, or a pseudonym. I also asked them to remember - “Falun Dafa is wonderful!” “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!”
In the end, everyone in the family decided to quit the CCP and its affiliates. They also accepted informational materials and invited us to eat with them.
Even though we had to endure a lot of hardship in going door-to-door, we could carry out in-depth conversations with people so they could understand the truth. I continued to go out with practitioners in 2018. We’ve covered 94 villages altogether and brought the blessings of Dafa to people so they could have a bright future.
Reaching Out to a Domestic Security Division Team Leader
People from the Domestic Security Division arrested a local practitioner in 2019. I broke through my fear and decided to visit the team leader. After I explained why I was there, he said, “If there is anything you want to talk about, please go to my workplace.” He then abruptly shut the door. I looked inward as I walked home and realized my starting point was wrong; I let my sentimentality towards the detained practitioner gain the upper hand.
I read the Fa and adjusted my mindset. I went to the Domestic Security Division the following Monday. The team leader happened to be downstairs. He brushed me off by saying he had a meeting to attend.
I returned a few days later. This time he said he had to deal with something and got in his car. I blocked him and exclaimed, “Stop! I have to tell you something, then you can leave.” When he rolled down his window, I said, “The practitioner who was arrested did not break any laws! Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful!’ Please think twice before you persecute practitioners. Now you can go!”
I told the other practitioners what happened, and said I hoped to clarify the facts to him again. Some practitioners were concerned about my safety and didn’t agree. However I thought that the people working in the Domestic Security Division were also victims of the persecution. So another practitioner and I went back. This marked the fourth time I visited this official.
This time, our conversation was full of laughter and peaceful. He asked many questions about Falun Dafa, and we answered them one by one. In the end, he accepted all of our materials. We also gave him a pseudonym to help him quit the CCP. He was later promoted and left the Domestic Security Division.
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