(Minghui.org) I became ill in 2007. I couldn’t keep food down and did not have a bowel movement for more than ten days. I lost 10 lbs. and was miserable.
I talked to a relative, Yuan, during a family gathering on August 31, 2007. Her health had always been poor and she often took painkillers and became emaciated. After she began practicing Falun Dafa she was healthy. When she suggested I try practicing Falun Dafa, I said absolutely.
In fact, I read Zhuan Falun (the main text of Falun Dafa) before. But when my husband threatened to divorce me if I practiced Falun Dafa, I stopped. This time, I was determined that I would not let him hold me back.
I visited Yuan and she played Master’s lectures for me. I fell asleep while listening. She woke me up at dinner time, and I had a bowl of congee (rice porridge). It was the most food I ate in ten days! After dinner, I resumed listening to the lectures.
I woke up with severe stomach pain and went to the bathroom. I noticed Yuan was doing Falun Dafa exercises. The pain was excruciating, and I passed a massive amount of waste. I was surprised since I ate almost nothing for more ten days. Afterwards, I felt very light.
Yuan was happy and exclaimed, “It’s a good thing! Master is taking care of you and purifying your body!”
She asked me about my husband’s attitude toward Dafa. I said, “I am determined to practice Falun Dafa. If he wants to divorce me, so be it. When I was sick and felt helpless and hopeless, no one could help me. Now I feel so relaxed and comfortable, just by listening to the lectures! How incredible is that?!”
When I returned home, my husband was surprised when I told him I felt fine. I told him what happened and said I decided to practice Falun Dafa.
To my surprise, he was amazed by the healing power of Dafa and had no objection to my practicing.
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