(Minghui.org) Three women in Funing County, Jiangsu Province were sentenced to 1-3 years for their shared faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. They are currently serving time at the Jiangsu Province Women’s Prison, located in the capital city of Nanjing.
Ms. Si Xia, 60, was arrested in 2022 by officers who had been following her. The Binhai County Court sentenced her to one year in July 2023. Both Funing County and Binhai County are under the jurisdiction of Yancheng City.
Ms. Hong Youfeng, in her 60s, was arrested in September 2022 after the police spotted her distributing Falun Gong informational materials. She was sentenced to either 2.5 or 3 years.
Ms. Wei Hongsen, around 60, was deceived into reporting to the Chengnan Police Station in mid-May 2023. The police seized her upon her arrival and told her that someone had reported her for distributing Falun Gong informational materials. They took her to the Yancheng City Detention Center. The Binhai County Court sentenced her to three years in August 2023.
All three women have been repeatedly persecuted over the years for upholding their faith.
Ms. Wei Previously Twice Jailed for a Total of 11.5 Years
Ms. Wei worked at the Funing County Construction Bank before she was fired for practicing Falun Gong. She was arrested for distributing Falun Gong materials with her younger sister, Ms. Wei Hongya, in 2001. The Funing County Court sentenced both sisters to eight years in Nantong Women’s Prison.
After Ms. Wei Hongsen was released, she was often harassed by the local police and agents from the 610 Office. The police tapped her phone and monitored and followed her. She had to live away from home for a period of time to avoid further persecution.
Ms. Wei was arrested again in 2012, after a surveillance camera recorded her distributing Falun Gong materials in a community in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. The police raided her rental place and arrested her husband, as well as their daughter and son. The family of four was then held the Yangzhou City Detention Center.
The Guangling District Court in Yangzhou City later sentenced Ms. Wei to three and a half years in Nantong Women’s Prison.
Ms. Wei was arrested again in September 2021 and detained for an unknown amount of time.
Ms. Hong Once Jailed for 3.5 Years
Ms. Hong went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong after the persecution began in July 1999. After she returned to Funing, the police twice detained her, and her employer also suspended her pay for two years as punishment. She was only given a monthly stipend of 300 yuan.
Agents from the Funing County Domestic Security Office arrested her again on January 17, 2010. They raided her home and confiscated her computer, laminating machine, and other personal belongings.
The Funing County Court sentenced Ms. Hong to three and a half years in Jiangsu Province Women’s Prison on July 2, 2010.
Ms. Hong was arrested again on September 18, 2021, by nine plainclothes officers. They took away her key and raided her home. She was detained for an unknown amount of time.
Ms. Si Repeatedly Arrested and Once Given One Year of Forced Labor
Ms. Si went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in late 1999 and was arrested. After she was escorted back, she was held at the Funing County Detention Center for an unknown amount of time. She went to Beijing to appeal again in early 2000, only to be arrested a second time. The police held her at various facilities, including the Xiangshui Detention Center, Funing County Detention Center, and the Funing Brainwashing Center.
When she tried to escape from the brainwashing center one night by climbing over a wall, she fell and suffered a comminuted vertebral fracture. The police took her to a hospital and stayed there to monitor her condition. They had intended to take her back into custody, but relented upon realizing that she was in serious condition.
The police arrested Ms. Si again as soon as she showed signs of improvement. They kept her detained at various facilities for an unknown amount of time.
While she was still recovering from a car accident in 2006, agents from the Funing County 610 Office took Ms. Si to the Yancheng City Brainwashing Center, but they ended up having to release her not long afterwards due to her serious condition.
Ms. Si was arrested again prior to the 2008 Olympic Games and taken to a brainwashing center.
The police seized Ms. Si in June 2012 upon receiving a tip that she had talked to someone about Falun Gong. She was given one year of forced labor.
Ms. Si was arrested again in September 2021 and detained for an unknown amount of time.
Related reports:
Jiangsu Province: Well Educated Women Targeted for Severe Persecution for Practicing Falun Gong
Ms. Hong Youfeng from Funing County, Jiangsu Province Unlawfully Sentenced
Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Funing County, Jiangsu Province
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