(Minghui.org) May 13, 2023, marked the 31st anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction and the 24th World Falun Dafa Day. To commemorate this special day and to thank Master Li Hongzhi for passing on this ancient mind-body practice to the Bulgarian people, practitioners organized various events around the city of Plovdiv to celebrate.
The festivities began on the morning of May 13 with a group demonstration of the Falun Dafa exercises in a major park in Plovdiv, followed by practitioners reading Zhuan Falun (Falun Dafa’s main book). In the afternoon, practitioners taught people how to fold paper lotus flowers and passed out flyers on the steps of Kamenitsa in downtown Plovdiv.
On May 13, World Falun Dafa Day, practitioners took a group photo to express appreciation to the founder of the practice. The banner reads: “Falun Dafa, a Traditional Chinese Practice of Physical and Mental Cultivation.”
Practitioners Demonstrate the Exercises
Tsar Simeon Garden is a park in the center of Plovdiv with many flowers and plants. This tranquil place attracts many residents and tourists and is the ideal location for practitioners to share the peace and beauty of Falun Dafa with Bulgarians.
Practitioners did the exercises in the city’s largest and most beautiful park, Tsar Simon Garden in Plovdiv.
A woman saw practitioners doing the second set of Falun Dafa exercises and decided to join them. She followed along with practitioners’ movements. She was pleasantly surprised by her experience and said, “I felt like I was floating.”
After they did the exercises, practitioners took a group photo to express their gratitude to Master and wish him a happy birthday.
Two men asked about the event. A practitioner explained what Falun Dafa is and how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) persecutes practitioners in China and harvests their organs.
They were shocked. One said, “I haven’t heard of Falun Dafa. So they [the CCP] are persecuting every faith?” The practitioner told them about the essence of Falun Dafa’s teaching and exercises and told them that anyone of any faith could come and practice. They took the leaflets.
Two men listen as a practitioner tells them about Falun Dafa.
Bulgarian Practitioners Cherish the Day Falun Dafa Was Introduced to the World
Bulgarian practitioners reserved a conference room, and in the morning, they read Zhuan Falun.
Martin, who has been practicing since 2010, said he cherishes the opportunity to spend time with practitioners from all over Bulgaria.
He said, “Today we celebrate the introduction of Falun Dafa to the world. I gained a lot from my cultivation, such as good health, energy, clear mind, focus, patience, and peace of mind. These are all things that I thought were impossible to get before, and there are even more things that I didn’t know existed before.”
Through his practice, Martin says his physical and mental health has greatly improved. He thanked Master for teaching Falun Dafa to people around the world.
Martin practices the fifth Falun Dafa exercise.
Witnessing the Change in Bulgarians’ Attitude Towards Dafa
Kremena began practicing in 2001. She said that Falun Dafa taught her how to resolve conflicts in daily life and made her calmer.
“Falun Dafa gave me a better, new life. Staying healthy and looking inside about how to improve yourself, take responsibility for your own life, and stop blaming others for your troubles is valuable and comforting,” she says.
Kremena has been practicing Falun Dafa for twenty years. She saw a change in the perception of Falun Dafa in Bulgaria as a country and its people. At first, due to the CCP’s influence in Bulgaria, practitioners encountered a lot of difficulties whenever they held events.
“In the early years, the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria put pressure on the media and politicians and interfered with our activities to expose the persecution. Now people are more open-minded, and they are happy to support Falun Dafa and condemn the CCP’s persecution,” she said. “After the pandemic, Bulgarians saw more clearly how communist-ruled China harms our society.”
The CCP has been persecuting Falun Dafa since 1999, using its contacts with overseas media to spread its false propaganda to people outside China. This has led many people outside China to develop prejudices against Falun Dafa, whose practitioners strive to eliminate the CCP’s deceptive propaganda through various truth-telling activities.
Kremena has been encouraged by the change in Bulgarian peoples’ attitudes in recent years. She is grateful that Falun Dafa changed her life for the better. She said, “I sincerely thank Master for guiding me in cultivation. This is a very rare blessing!”
Tourists Learn About the Persecution
In the afternoon, practitioners moved to the main street of central Plovdiv. As usual, the streets were crowded with tourists, visitors, families, and students.
Many of them were drawn to the practitioners’ booth, in a clean, quiet location in the heart of the city. Some asked about the lotus pendants on display, and some read the banners and posters.
On the afternoon of May 13, 2023, practitioners came to the main street of Plovdiv city center and set up booths, banners, and demonstrated the exercises.
Practitioners tell people about Falun Dafa.
Nita from Nigeria took an informational flyer to learn more about Falun Dafa.
Two students at Paisii Hilendarski University talked to practitioners. Later, they came back and asked for more leaflets, because they wanted to share them at school.
People stop at the booth to learn about Falun Dafa and what is happening in China.
Many people asked where the nearest practice site was. Practitioners told them that they meet at the park near the Rowing Base.
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