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Master Always Looks after Us: A Stranger Helps a Practitioner

June 11, 2023 |   By Yu Jie, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in our area distributed truth-clarification materials in a village in a neighboring county one day in 2006. We separated into teams of two practitioners. My husband paired with another practitioner but they got separated. He ran into two patrolling security guards while looking for the other practitioner. 

My husband turned around and ran. The security guards chased after him. Seven or eight villagers stopped my husband and beat him. At the critical moment, a young man rode up on a motorcycle. He pushed through the crowd and told my husband, “Come with me.” 

The young man grabbed my husband out of the crowd and told the security guards that he had business with my husband. He put my husband on his motorcycle and drove to the outskirts of the village and then let him go.

My husband said he didn’t know who that young man was. We felt that Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) sent him to save a practitioner in danger.


In 2001, my husband and I rode a motorcycle to pick up copies of Master’s latest lectures from a city about 15 kilometers away. When we headed back, it was already after 10 p.m. Because we drove fast and the motorcycle headlight was dim, we hit a rock in the road. We were thrown forward and hit the ground several meters away. We got up and checked each other but neither of us was injured. We picked up the motorcycle and the engine started on the first kick. We could have been seriously injured or even died in such an incident. We were so excited that we were moved to tears and thanked Master for his protection.

We drove another 10 kilometers. After we got home, we checked the motorcycle again. A piece of the front rim was knocked off, the front tire was flat, and the headlight was broken. But we managed to drive home safely. It was a miracle!

Eliminating Fear While Rescuing a Fellow Practitioner

A practitioner who lives in the city phoned me one day in 2016 and said that a practitioner in our village had been detained in the city police station the day before. We decided to coordinate a rescue. The following day, the practitioner from the city and I went to the detained practitioner’s home in the village. 

His mother was in her 80s and could hardly take care of herself. His wife had been involved in a car accident and was in a coma. His older sister came to help take care of their mother. I was very sad to see his family’s situation. I was determined that we must secure the release of the practitioner.

However, I couldn’t go to sleep that night. Fear sat on my chest like a heavy weight, making it difficult for me to breathe. I thought about quitting the rescue effort.

Master said, 

“If he is able to let go of life and death, he is a god; if he isn’t able to let go of life and death, he is human.” (Teachings at the Conference in Australia)

I asked Master to strengthen my righteous thoughts. As my righteous thoughts strengthened, the fear and my negative thoughts disappeared. This cycle repeated several times.

The practitioner’s family was fearful, too. His older sister didn’t want to help us because she was worried that since the practitioner’s son and daughter-in-law both had jobs, their company might harass them in retaliation. She also worried that the authorities might detain the family members for going to the police station to appeal for his release. The local police also threatened her and said that her brother would be sentenced to five years in prison. 

I went to the practitioner’s house and reminded his older sister that her brother didn’t break any laws and he was not a criminal. I said that every citizen has a right to read overseas websites, and practicing Falun Dafa is not against the law. The family agreed to participate in our efforts to get him freed.

On the action day, the detained practitioner’s son rented an ambulance to carry his mother (who was in a coma) and his grandmother to the police station in the city. The policemen reporting to work that morning gathered around the ambulance. An official-looking man threatened us and said that all of us would be detained.

I told the officer, “Look at these people, they are old, weak, sick and one is in a coma. We don’t want to come here, but we have no choice but to come to you to solve the problem. If you won’t release the grandma’s son, who is this woman’s husband (pointing to his wife in a coma), we will leave her here with you and have her husband take care of her in the detention center. Her husband did not commit any crimes. He was simply taking care of his wife and his mother at home.”

The police chief came out and said that they would consider the special situation but we should take the comatose wife and the old woman back home. The practitioner was released a few days later.

Toothache Disappears after I Look Inward

A few days ago, my mother-in-law fought with her younger son (my husband’s younger brother), daughter-in-law, and their young daughter. She was very upset and kept saying that her children wanted her dead. She refused to listen to my husband and me when we tried to explain the situation to her. My resentment towards my mother-in-law flared up again. My previous unhappy encounters with her replayed in my mind like a movie. My teeth ached that night and I couldn’t sleep.

The toothache alerted me that I’d done something wrong, so I looked inward. I saw I resented my mother-in-law. Due to resentment, competitiveness, and jealousy, most mothers-in-law and their daughters-in-law in our village have bad relationships. I thought that I am a cultivator, so these attachments must be eliminated. I must use a high standard to handle the relationships in my family. I sent righteous thoughts and asked Master to help me completely disintegrate the competitiveness, resentment, and jealousy in my dimension. 

The toothache disappeared by the time I got up to practice the exercises the following morning. Falun Dafa is amazing!

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!