(Minghui.org) This year marks 24 years of peaceful protests by Falun Dafa practitioners calling attention to the persecution in China. Practitioners from different parts of Europe gathered in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, on July 22, 2023, for a rally to tell people about the beauty of Falun Dafa and raise awareness about the persecution, including organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Practitioners held a rally on July 22 at Staroměstské náměstí in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.
People sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.
Prague is known as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and has a rich history. It was also the first city in the world to be designated as World Heritage City by UNESCO. During the Cold War, several incidents that shook the world took place in Prague: In 1948, the Communist Party took power, the Prague Spring took place in 1968, and the Velvet Revolution in 1989.
People Learn About Falun Dafa During Rally and Parade
The weather was cool and pleasant on the day of the activities, and the city was filled with tourists. A major festival in central Europe was being held in Prague at the same time and over 25 groups from all over the world gathered in the historic city. The practitioners’ activities caused many passersby to stop, read the information, and talk to practitioners. Many people signed the petition to call for an end to the persecution after learning the extent of the atrocities.
People spoke to practitioners and learned about the persecution in China.
The parade was held in the afternoon and evening. The Tian Guo Marching Band, which consisted of practitioners from throughout Europe, led the parade, followed by practitioners showcasing the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa, and exercise demonstrations as well as practitioners dressed in white holding photos of those who were tortured to death during the persecution.
The parade passed through Prague’s famous tourist attractions including Hradčanské náměstí, Kostel svatého Mikuláše, Karlův most, Národní třída, Café Louvre,Václavské náměstí, Prašná brána and Staroměstské náměstí.
Many people stopped along the route to watch the parade. Practitioners gave out materials in many different languages and people signed the petition to condemn the CCP’s organ harvesting.
Many people stopped to watch the parade.
People along the parade route accepted information about Falun Dafa.
Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Is Wonderful
Julia, a tourist from Argentina, said, “Falun Dafa looks amazing.”
Before the parade began, Julia, a tourist from Argentina, signed the petition to support practitioners in calling for an end to the persecution. She hopes everyone in China can have freedom of belief, and said, “Falun Dafa looks amazing,” “I think the principles taught by Falun Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are great! I believe this practice will have a positive effect on people’s physical and mental well being.”
Dressed in traditional costumes, a Bavarian group representing Germany came to Prague to participate in a festival. They saw practitioners several times that day. Andrea Kaufmann, a chef, watched the parade and thought practitioners looked peaceful. As practitioners dressed in white holding portraits of those killed in the persecution passed by, she learned that they died because of their faith in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. She said, “This persecution is terrible. It is crucial for people to know about the atrocities.”
The Public Should Know the Truth About the Persecution
Eva Pospěchová and her husband said they supported practitioners.
Eva Pospěchová, a hair stylist in Prague, and her husband saw the parade and learned of the persecution in China. Eva’s husband said, “It is the Communist Party that is persecuting these people.” Eva thought it was important for practitioners to bring the topic on the persecution to the public, and said, “When everyone knows about this, it will be a help for sure.”
Stanislav Kučera, who lives in Prague, loved the parade.
Stanislav Kučera, a security guard near the old town square, said he loved the parade and signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution. “They (CCP) have done all kinds of bad things in China. There are many things in this world that should not have happened. Governments should work hard to make its people wealthier and live a good life. Yet, the CCP is persecuting them (Falun Dafa practitioners).
“It is important to let people know the truth” he said, “If everyone in the world stands up to oppose this, and fights for freedom, the regime will be shocked.”
He also said, “It is unjust to oppress these people for the principles they believe in. They (Falun Dafa practitioners) should voice out their concerns loudly. They should be encouraged.”
People signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution after learning how brutal the suppression is.
Tourist Supports Practitioners
Ms. Ross from the Netherlands and her friend signed the petition to support practitioners in condemning the persecution after listening to their speeches.
Ms. Ross thought it was bad of the CCP to stop people from practicing Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. She said, “Kindness is something everyone should have. It is wrong to forbid people from being kind.”
David, who owns a restaurant in California in the US, listened to a practitioner’s speech during the rally and signed the petition afterwards. He said, “Everyone should have freedom of belief.”
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Category: July 20 Events