(Minghui.org) In spite of the overwhelming negative propaganda and horrible persecution, I began practicing Falun Dafa in 2001. Every Falun Dafa practitioner I met was honest and kind. After I read the main book of Falun Dafa, I felt that it was a great cultivation practice.
By studying the Fa and doing the five exercises, all my ailments were gone, including insomnia, uterine fibroids, and other problems. My family and friends were also blessed for supporting Dafa. I would like to share some of their stories.
My Father’s Throat Cancer Cured After Reciting the Auspicious Phrases
When my father was diagnosed with throat cancer, it was already end-stage. He decided to give up on hospital treatments and returned home for comfort care.
He could not eat or drink, and at times he trembled in pain. I was heartbroken to see him in that state. Knowing about Dafa’s healing power, I said, “If you sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), you will be fine.”
He shook his head. As the head of an education department, a veteran Party member, and an atheist, he was always skeptical of Falun Dafa every time I brought it up.
I kept sending forth righteous thoughts for my father and hoped that he would recover. A few days later, when I asked if he was willing to sever his ties with the CCP, he surprisingly agreed. When I told him to sincerely recite the auspicious phrases, he also agreed—maybe he finally acknowledged that it was his last hope.
For three days, he kept reciting the phrases. He felt better each day. On the third day, he was able to drink water and milk. He had other thickened liquids on the fifth day, and then began to eat normally on the seventh day!
My father was deeply moved and said, “I am now completely well thanks to Dafa’s great Master! Thank you, Falun Dafa, for saving me! I want to go back to my hometown to let them know that Li Hongzhi, the Master of Falun Dafa, saved me! My life is renewed!”
Not only were his friends and neighbors impressed, but his doctors were also shocked at such an incredible recovery!
My Aunt’s Hearing Was Restored After Listening to Dafa Lectures
At the age of 83, my aunt is healthy, energetic, and illness free. But she was not this way in her younger years. She had an ear infection in 2002, but due to limited access to health care, she lost her hearing and could only communicate with hand gestures.
When I visited my mother in 2007, my aunt happened to be there. I knew she could not hear, but I still put my earphone to her ears and played Master’s lecture audios for her.
After just a short while, my aunt was in tears, “I can hear! I can hear!” My aunt listened to Master’s lectures all day, “I can now hear clearly. My hearing recovered immediately. It is so incredible! Master is here to save people. Dafa is so great!”
My aunt has been practicing Falun Dafa ever since then.
Friends Who Benefited from Practicing Falun Dafa
My friend Tao had insomnia and was allergic to many things. She tried all sorts of treatments without much symptom relief. Her husband was also sickly and relied on her for care. I told Tao about the benefits I’d gained from practicing Falun Dafa and she agreed to practice with me.
Tao did the standing exercises with me the first day and felt much more relaxed and comfortable. She was able to do the meditation for 30 minutes the next day. When she began reading Zhuan Falun, she detected an unfamiliar fragrance emanating from the book. Several days later, Tao was illness-free!
Yan, another good friend of mine, started having sciatic nerve pain when she was 35. When it flared up, she could hardly walk. She was bedridden and unable to go to work for six months due to the pain. When Tao came to visit me and heard about Yan, she called and asked her to come over to my place. Yan replied, “How can I come? I can hardly walk, plus, she lives on the sixth floor!” Tao said encouragingly, “Just come. You will be fine once you get here.”
Yan’s mother was concerned and accompanied her daughter to my place. When they arrived, Yan said in surprise, “I had a hard time walking at home—how did I get up six flights of stairs without any difficulty just now!?”
“The Master of Falun Dafa is already taking care of you!” Tao exclaimed.
Yan began doing the exercises with us. After several days, her pain went away and never came back. Her mother used to practice Falun Dafa but stopped because of the persecution. When she saw Yan’s amazing recovery, she resumed practicing.
Yan also encouraged her aunt who had a brain tumor to practice Falun Dafa with her. Her aunt has been cancer free ever since!
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