(Minghui.org) In September 2022, my mother was hit and run over by a big car while strolling near her home. When my father and younger brother were notified of the accident they rushed to the scene. My mother had lost consciousness and lay on the ground in a pool of blood. She was in critical condition and rushed to the nearest county hospital.
The accident had left mother with fractures of her ribs, legs, feet, left orbital medial wall, and right cheekbone. She developed acute respiratory distress syndrome when trauma to her lungs caused blood vessels to rupture. She also had traumatic shock, mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema, a scalp soft tissue contusion, adrenal gland hematoma, ascites, and pelvic effusion. Additionally, mother suffered from liver insufficiency, thrombocytopenia, myocardial damage, and ventricular fibrillation.
After four hours of attempts at resuscitation, the doctor said that the chances of survival for my mother were almost nil. My father, younger brother, younger sister and I could only cry silently.
The whole family felt helpless. My two aunts, who are Falun Dafa practitioners, told me that the only way to save my mother was for my father to immediately ask for help from Master Li Hongzhi (Falun Dafa’s founder). My father was an atheist. He did not believe in anything including Dafa. My mother had never dared to cultivate, as she was concerned about my father’s reaction to this.
I said to my dad, “The hospital cannot save mother with modern medicines or surgery. She is on the verge of death. Falun Dafa is the only hope now. Let us go home and ask Master for help.” I held his hand and said, “My mother will be saved.”
We have a picture of Master Li at home because my grandmother was a Falun Dafa practitioner. My youngest aunt and I went home with my father. We went straight to Master’s picture with respect and reverence and asked for help for my mother. About 30 minutes later, a relative called from the hospital to tell us that my mother had survived surgery and had been transferred to the intensive care unit. The doctor did not expect that my mother would leave the operating room alive. A miracle indeed happened!
Two days after she was moved to the ICU, my mother started to have heart arrhythmias from time to time. She was stabilized only after defibrillation. The doctor asked us to sign the critical illness notice every once in a while because my mother was still in danger. Although the doctor did not hold any hope, I always believed in my heart that Master would help her.
The doctor said that my mother had a much better chance to survive in the larger provincial hospital. During the transfer, I sat next to my mother and kept reciting “Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good”.The ICU doctor in the provincial hospital said that her situation was very bad. I told myself that Master had the final say, and I would leave everything to him.
My mother’s vital signs gradually stabilized, but the doctor was still pessimistic. He said that my mother might be in a vegetative state due to excessive blood loss affecting the lungs, insufficient blood supply to the brain, and prolonged hypoxia even if she survived. Then, a miracle happened again. My mother regained consciousness after the anesthesia!
Because of the serious pandemic at that time, the hospital wanted my mother to recuperate at home despite the fact that she was not yet fully recovered. Not long after returning home, my mother was able to get out of bed and walk around. She could also cook and do light household chores. All the doctors involved in her treatment said it was a miracle that she survived.
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