(Minghui.org) One afternoon in March this year, I drove to a mountain village more than 40 miles away to deliver Master Li Hongzhi’s lecture “How Humankind Came To Be.” When I arrived at the village, I first sent out a thought, “Master, please bless me so people in the village can get the scripture ‘How Humankind Came To Be’, learn the truth, and be saved.”
I first went to the home of a family I knew. Three people were in the house when I entered. In addition to the husband and wife of this family, there was also a neighbor. I had previously helped this couple quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. They welcomed me very enthusiastically. The neighbor was a man whom I had already met in the past. I thought, “This was arranged by Master! These people will definitely be able to obtain Master’s scripture ‘How Humankind Came To Be’.” I sent out a thought in my heart that I would help this neighbor quit the CCP today so he can be saved and be safe. I tried to persuade him before, but he refused. Today was another opportunity! I explained my purpose for coming to their village and showed them Master’s lecture “How Humankind Came To Be.”
After reading it, they asked some questions. I explained to them that Master used to teach the Fa only to Dafa disciples, but with this lecture, Master was teaching the Fa to sentient beings throughout the world.
“... a higher, closely guarded secret, and these are being shared to provide a true picture of affairs, and to give people another chance at salvation.” (“How Humankind Came To Be”)
This prepares people to survive when the final judgment arrives, and bad people will be eliminated.
That neighbor asked, “What about the pandemic at the end of last year?” I answered his question from the perspective of Master’s Fa:
“But a pandemic like the current Chinese Communist Virus (or “Wuhan Virus”) comes with a purpose behind it, and it has targets. It is here to weed out members of the Party and those who have sided with it.” (“Stay Rational”)
He asked, “Then what should we do?” I replied, “Stay away from the evil CCP and do not side with the evil CCP.”
“So now that the divine is starting to eradicate it, all who still stand by it shall perish.” (“Stay Rational”)
After hearing this, he said, “No wonder the pandemic came at will, and even the experts were speechless. It is gone at will. What a miracle! So many high-level people have died.” I said, “You got it. So, to be safe, you’d better quit the CCP organizations!” He agreed from the bottom of his heart. I gave him an alias, and he quit the CCP. He told me happily, “Thank you!” I said, “If you want to thank anyone, thank our Master, thank Dafa!” Another life was saved, and I was very happy for him.
My mobile phone then rang, and I saw it was the person I wanted to give Master’s scripture to. Master truly made all the arrangements. All the sentient beings are waiting to be saved! I drove to find him, clarified the truth to him, helped him quit the CCP, and gave him the scripture “How Humankind Came To Be.” He took Master’s scripture with both hands and left happily.
I realized that everything that happened today was prepared by Master. As long as disciples follow Master’s requirements, they can save more people.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth