(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa before 1999. After reading one of Master’s recent articles, “Stay Far from Peril,” I recalled that at the beginning of the persecution, practitioners discussed how to expose it. Master did not make any suggestions at that time.
Let’s not talk about the Fa principles, high-level standards or traditional culture; we’ll only talk about how ordinary people handle difficulties. In China some people’s homes have been demolished by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), and some have been deprived of their pensions. Their natural reaction is to fight to protect their rights. Because of this many people have been suppressed, but they are still willing to bear the consequences and risks of pushing back, because people feel if they do not stand up and fight, the situation will only get worse.
Those practitioners who complain about Master seem to think that Master owes us, which is unbelievable. I think they may have been instigated by the CCP agents or deceived by the tricks that the Party uses to destroy us.
Master asks us to follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and tells us not to do bad things. Even if you don’t take into account the physical and mental health benefits that Master gives practitioners, using a teacher in an ordinary school as an example, your teacher does not owe you anything. Whether you really do as your teacher asks is your own business.
If the CCP did not interfere and use some practitioners’ human notions, things would not be such a mess. Whether we are moved or not and how we handle these challenges is also our own choice.
Chinese people no longer believe in the CCP and it is about to collapse. It was only able to stay in power by relying on money made through cheap Chinese labor. As soon as Western countries begin doing business with other countries the money will be gone, and the Party will collapse. Its power is enforced by suppression and threats of violence. Chinese are increasingly turning their backs on it, so it lacks the power it once had.
Falun Dafa practitioners sending righteous thoughts also continue to disintegrate it at microscopic levels.
We should just ignore those who try to incite others and make trouble. If no one listens to them they will be useless to the CCP and the old forces.
Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)
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Category: Improving Oneself