(Minghui.org) “Where can I sign to support you?” “Where can I learn Falun Gong?” some Berlin residents asked as they entered Treptower Park in East Berlin.

Every Sunday afternoon since Easter, practitioners in Berlin have held information day activities. Some do the sitting meditation while others smile and greet people as they enter the park and offer them information about Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa). Large and small banners as well as display boards catch people’s attention. They stop to read the information and speak to practitioners to find out more about the practice. Residents and tourists sign the petition to call for an end to the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting that targets practitioners.

Passersby in Berlin read display boards to learn about Falun Gong. Many signed the petition that calls for an end to the persecution.

Hope for a Fundamental Change

A software engineer who went to China on several business trips told practitioners, “Westerners who go to China are only allowed to see the beautiful parts. The CCP will never let you see how it suppresses people in general and Falun Gong practitioners in particular. Before I went to China, my coworkers reminded me I could be arrested for saying something inappropriate because you never know if what you say will bring you trouble.”

After reading the resolution by the European Parliament condemning the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, a man said, “This is surprising and admirable. Many people want to do business with China, but this resolution is an important signal. I hope there will be a fundamental change.”